
Eric Bischoff On His Recent Run In WWE: “There Wasn’t An Open Mind To New Ways Of Doing Things”


Eric Bischoff was brought back by WWE last year to be the Executive Director of WWE SmackDown.
He took charge of the blue brand in June yet was let go by the company in October of that same year.
He recalled his latest experience with the company during a recent interview with Digital Spy.

There was not nearly the autonomy that I was hoping there would be. There wasn’t an open mind to new ways of doing things which, either I allowed myself to believe there would be or I was led to believe there would be, I’m not sure which is true even to this day.
I would say it was probably me allowing myself to believe something that wasn’t true more than being misled, I’ll take responsibility for that. But I think there was there was a little bit of that.

Check out the full interview here. .

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