
Dustin Rhodes Comments On Botched Punches From AEW Dynamite: “I Am Embarrassed”


AEW star and coach Dustin Rhodes issued a statement on his Twitter earlier today to comment on the now infamous botch from last Wednesday’s episode of Dynamite from Corpus Christi when an unknown member of the Dark Order laid into Rhodes with some poor looking punches. The Natural admits that the spot is embarrassing as it makes the entire business look bad, and declares that he’ll teach anyone who needs to learn.

It’s almost 2020, and I am embarrassed at what I just saw in the great business that I still protect to this day. Please learn how to punch. Or, better yet, come to my class that I hold weekly and I will teach you.

UPDATE: Rhodes deleted the original tweet, and has now posted an update.


Arik Cannon revealed that he was the man under the mask, and was pulling his punches due to Rhodes already being busted open.

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