
Chris Jericho On If He’d Consider Doing Commentary Full Time When He Retires


During his Facebook Live chat, Chris Jericho spoke on enjoying his commentary role and whether he’d consider doing it when he retires. Here’s what he had to say:

It was pretty fun. I’ve never commentated on a whole show before. The reason why I wanted to do it was just to have a presence on the show. As we kind of put a hold on so many things including “Blood & Guts,” so I wanted to be on the show and provide a little energy, just in case. You know we are working in front of eight people, 10 people all strategically spaced apart of course.”

I thought if I could get on there as kind of an obnoxious heel, such a better demographic, obviously channeling my favorite color commentators Jesse “The Body” Ventura and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. We got some good reviews for that. If you enjoyed it last week, stick around we are going to be doing it again this week.

Absolutely, I’d do it full time for sure. I always loved doing commentary. To do it for a whole hour or two hours is not easy to do.

You can listen to the chat below:

Credit: Facebook Live. H/T WrestlingInc.

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