
Chris Jericho Discusses His Favorite Tag Teams, How John Cena Was An Underrated Promo


AEW superstar and former world champion Chris Jericho spoke about a number of pro-wrestling related topics on his recent Saturday Night Special stream. Highlights can be found below.

His favorite wrestlers growing up:

Hulk Hogan, and I love Ricky Steamboat as well but I was a Hulkamaniac, by far, all over the place… Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and Owen Hart for sure.

Favorite tag teams and tag team partners:

The Rockers and The Hart Foundation [were my favorite tag teams]. My favorite tag team partner was The Big Show, by far. And I love Sammy Guevara too.

Calls John Cena an underrated promo:

I always thought that Cena did great promos. He was a little bit underrated. Cena was very good at understanding his crowd, understanding his audience and really connecting with them whether it was teenagers, or chicks, or whatever. He was always really good, and he can be super goofy and was super goofy, is super goofy, but also could be very serious and make you believe what he was saying. So, I think that is an underrated guy. And also, Hogan, Hulk Hogan in the 80s.

How he feels like he could have had better matches with Seth Rollins and Jushin Liger:

I spoke to Seth Rollins this week… We were just talking about how I commented on Twitter that I always enjoyed working with him. And he said, “I don’t feel as if we had our best match.’ And I agree, he and I never had that classic match that we probably would have had by now had I stayed there. And I feel the same way about Jushin Liger. I always enjoyed working with him though, I just feel I could have done better with him.

Check out the full SNS below. (H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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