American Football

Casual Friday open thread: What have you been binge watching?


Photo by ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

So… seen any good shows lately?

Welcome to another Casual Friday open thread, where we venture outside of Seattle Seahawks discussion to talk about other stuff!

This week it’s all about binge watching… or just watching your favorite TV shows whenever they’re released. I’ve noticed some streaming outlets release their seasons on a once-weekly basis and others dump the entire new season in one shot.

I’m a few days removed from finally finishing up the first two seasons of The Bear on Hulu. It’s easily one of the best comedy-dramas I’ve ever seen, the dialogue is well-written, the acting is superb, and I cannot wait for Season 3 next month. It’s a fast-paced show and it’s forced me to understand a bit more about the restaurant industry, terminologies, and the behind-the-scenes world of fine dining, but it’s all worth it.

What’s on your TV radar? Shogun and Fallout have absorbed my social media feed in recent weeks. Maybe there will be plenty of it in the comments section! Chat away!

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