
Bret Hart Speculates About How Long His Career Would Have Lasted If He Didn’t Suffer Severe Concussion


Bret Hart has made it clear that he is still upset with Goldberg for the career-ending concussion he suffered when Goldberg kicked him in the head at the WCW Starrcade PPV in 1999. He wrested eight more times before being forced to hang up his boots.

That put an end to his wrestling career although he did come back in 2010 for a few matches, but was well protected in the ring. 

During a K&S Wrestlefest autograph session, Hart speculated about how long his career would’ve lasted had he been able to stay healthy.

“If I had no issues with my concussion and stuff like that, and if I never had a stroke, I mean let’s just say I was healthy at my age, I’d go back,” Hart said. “I would’ve taken it pretty serious. I would’ve wrestled a lot more over the last 10 years if I hadn’t been hurt. All the dream matches everyone talks about, I would’ve loved to have done all of them. Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Roman Reigns, John Cena, Randy Orton.”

Quotes via Wrestling Inc

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