
Ben Loorz Speaks for First Time as Head Coach of Arizona


By Coleman Hodges on SwimSwam

SwimSwam’s Coleman Hodges sat down with Ben Loorz, the new head coach of swimming & diving at the University of Arizona. Loorz breaks down why this was the right move for both him and his family at this time as well as how he plans to start carrying out his vision for UofA in these first few weeks.

Loorz is coming from UNLV, where he was the head coach for 8 seasons and produced NCAA qualifiers in all of them.


In the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman HodgesGarrett McCaffrey, and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.

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SwimSwam: Ben Loorz Speaks for First Time as Head Coach of Arizona

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