
Aubrey Edwards Discusses The Upcoming AEW Console Game, Talks Her Work On Elite GM


AEW referee Aubrey Edwards appeared on the Into The Danger Zone podcast to discuss her work on the Elite GM mobile game and provide details on the upcoming AEW console release video game. Highlights from the interview are below.

Says she’s not working on the console game and is focused on Elite GM:

“This is gonna blow your mind. I’m not working on the console game at all. I am 100% focused on Elite General Manager. All of the things that you have seen of the console game are the same things that I have seen of the console game. So if it’s public footage, that’s what I’ve seen. It’s very, very close to the chest right now. I think part of [why] the expectations are so high is that Kenny [Omega] is very, very focused on this. When he’s not wrestling, he’s working on this thing. It’s insane. I will be working on it eventually, that’s a given, but with Elite General Manager shipping this year, and then us trying to get out our Season Passes and all these things, there’s a ton of things for me to be focused on, right now, around that project.”

How important the project Elite GM is to her and the anticipation of the AEW video game:

“I don’t want to be like, ‘Peace guys,’ and just go over and work on the cool hotness, and ditch my buddies over here because it’s still a project that is important to us and of course needs to continue to generate revenue for the company. So I totally agree with you that anticipation is very high. For me in particular, because I really, really want to work on it. Console games are like my bread and butter. I’ve shipped six of them.”

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)

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