
Arn Anderson On If The WWE Should Have An Offseason


During a recent episode of “ARN”, Arn Anderson revealed that he would be in favor of an offseason for the WWE but doesn’t believe it will ever happen. Here’s what he had to say:

Yeah, I’m up for it, you bet. The fact of the matter is, the guys do need more time off than they get, you know. That’s — the fact of the matter is, if you go back over the last say, 10, just go 10 years and you look at the books, and look at the injury report. It would stagger you how many injuries, how many people have been hurt. That’s the reason they need — and we know who ‘they’ are [WWE], that’s the reason they need that huge talent list that they have. Because guys get hurt and ladies get hurt all the time. Because there’s never a time for their bodies to rest. And even just taking you know, shutting down for let’s just say a round figure of three weeks. Say if you did it after WrestleMania, or if you did do it at Christmas time. Well, let’s just say you build to WrestleMania. I’ve always felt that’s like the end of a year, and that next Monday on Raw is the beginning of a new season.

No, because there’s too much revenue to be made during those three weeks. But it’s — I’ve always felt the guys should have more time, but it doesn’t matter what I feel obviously. It’s just — it’s a cash cow, and it’s gonna continue to go 270 days or whatever it is a year, plus all the personal appearances you have to make and all the media that no one ever sees. Just randomly being a talent and having to fly to India and promote a tour that may or may not ever make it there. Or go to Australia to promote. You have no idea what just randomly leaving television and flying to Australia for two days, and turning it around and making it back by the next TV, what that does to your body. The time changes and all those things. If you’ve never done it, you have no idea what it does to you.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: ARN. H/T 411Mania.

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