
AEW Fight For The Fallen Results 7/15/2020


All Elite Wrestling does their part for the COVID-19 Relief effort in Northeast Florida this week, as AEW on TNT will feature the second annual “Fight for the Fallen” special at Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida.

On tap for AEW Fight For The Fallen 2020 is the AEW World Heavyweight Championship main event with current champion Jon Moxley defending his title against FTW Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage, the TNT Championship Open Challenge with “The American Nightmare” Cody defending his title against Sonny Kiss, FTR vs. The Lucha Bros in tag-team action and more.

Don’t forget to order your own AEW Fight For The Fallen t-shirt, with the proceeds joining a special donation drive led by AEW to benefit Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund and Feeding Northeast Florida in an effort to contribute to the COVID-19 relief situation in the area.

For more information on how you can contribute to the cause, visit AEWFightForTheFallen.com.

Featured below are complete AEW Fight For The Fallen results from Wednesday, July 15, 2020.


After the signature video intro we shoot live inside Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. where pyro goes off and Jim Ross welcomes us to AEW Fight For The Fallen 2020.

Taz Replaces Tony Schiavone On Commentary

J.R. informs us that Taz is here in place of Tony Schiavone, who is still awaiting his COVID-19 results. He and Taz, as well as Excalibur, start talking as “The American Nightmare” Cody’s music hits.

TNT Championship
Cody (c) vs. Sonny Kiss

Out comes the reigning TNT Champion along with Arn Anderson. They head to the ring as this week’s Open Challenge kicks off the second annual Fight For The Fallen charity event from All Elite Wrestling.

As the two wait in the ring, Sonny Kiss makes his way out and along with some background dancers, does an incredibly prolonged dance routine for his special elaborate entrance.

With both men in the ring, Justin Roberts does the formal pre-match introductions for this championship contest. Here we go with our first match of the evening. The bell sounds and Cody sprints across the ring and decks Kiss with a big boot to the grill. He tries to cover him, but Kiss kicks out at two.

Cody continues his vicious early onslaught on the challenger, seemingly looking to put him away early before he gets the chance to build any momentum. Cody goes for the Disaster Kick. Kiss turns the tables with a big forearm.

Taz talks about the powerful legs of Kiss. Kiss cartwheels across the ring right into a Full Nelson from the champ. We see multiple times throughout the match that Tully Blanchard is in the stands watching and scouting someone, with the announcers speculating as to who that is.

Kiss goes on an extended offensive run that sees him go for his X’s and O’s finisher, however Cody eventually took over and hit many high spots, including a big superplex off the top-rope, for multiple near falls. When all was said-and-done, “The American Nightmare” hit Kiss with his Cross-Rhodes finisher for the win.

After the match, “The American Nightmare’s” theme music plays as he celebrates his hard-fought victory in his latest open challenge for the TNT Championship. He and Sonny Kiss share a moment and a couple of comments that we are not privelaged to as spectators. Great opening match from these two to kick off tonight’s show in style.

Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Cody

On Tap For AEW Fight For The Fallen Tonight …

We shoot to an on-camera spot featuring the three-man announce team for AEW Fight For The Fallen, as Jim Ross, Taz and Excalibur run down the matches advertised for tonight’s special.

They also inform us that we will hear from “Le Champion” Chris Jericho, who has something big to say, and he will also be joining them at the announce desk for commentary in hour two of tonight’s show, as “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz helps FTW Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage get ready for his AEW World Championship match against Jon Moxley in tonight’s main event.

The Lucha Bros vs. FTR

From there we head back to the ring for our second match of the evening, which is the second of the three big matches profiled on the “Road to Fight for the Fallen” special that aired to promote tonight’s special, as tag-team action is up next.

The Lucha Bros — Rey Fenix and Pentagon JR. — make their way down to the ring in Daily’s Place. Out next are their opponents for tonight, FTR — Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.

The bell sounds and here we go. Early on we see Wheeler get in some good offense on Pentagon JR. before tagging Harwood in. The two continue to utilize quick back-and-forth tags to keep a fresh man in the ring at all times, in classic trademark old-school tag-team wrestling style. It’s working so far, as well.

Excalibur points out that once again we have an interested observer as Tully Blanchard is once again watching on. The announcers speculate that Blanchard is scouting FTR this time. From there we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues in the ring.

When we return from the break we see that FTR is still in control of the action, as Harwood is taking it to Fenix. Fenix fires up for a comeback, blasting Dax with some chops that actually draw a small bit of blood from the chest of the FTR member. Harwood tags in Wheeler, and Fenix finally makes the tag to Pentagon JR.

The Lucha Bros hit some double-team spots as we see The Butcher & The Blade watching on with vested interest from the front row. The Lucha Bros look for the spiked pile-driver off the top-rope double-team high-spot, however FTR manages to avoid it and are now firing up on offense. They get in some big double-team moves for a few near falls, eliciting a “This Is Awesome” chant from those in attendance in the first few rows of Daily’s Place.

Now we see all four men in the ring at the same time. The Lucha Bros and FTR charge at each other and bodies are flying everywhere. Wheeler and Pentagon JR. fight outside the ropes on the ring apron. We see the two exchange chops and then they each go for a brainbuster, however things culminate with Wheeler hitting a tope suicida into a DDT on Pengaton on the floor.

Harwood and Fenix enter the picture now as this battle continues to go off the rails. Seconds later, out of nowhere, Harwood yanks Fenix’s mask off and when he drops down to get it and keep his face covered, Harwood gets the pin for the win.

Winners: FTR

After The Match: FTR Return The Disrespectful Favor To The Elite

After the match we see Butcher & Blade taunting FTR until The Young Bucks sneak up behind them and take them out with double super kicks.

They also reveal that they are holding the keys to FTR’s truck. Now we see Kenny Omega coming out with a beer cooler. All three enter the ring to join FTR.

Matt Jackson offers the keys back to Dax Harwood and Kenny Omega hands Cash Wheeler the beer cooler. He goes to toast a brew with FTR, but the two quickly instead pour their beers on Omega’s head, choosing to show a sign of disrespect instead of the peace-offering that was intended, returning the favor as the announcers point out.

The Young Bucks hold an enraged Omega back from attacking FTR until finally Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler take their returned car keys and head out to reclaim their trademark vehicle. They enter the car but it seems like they’re having trouble getting it to start up. We head to commercial break on that note.

“Le Champion” & The Inner Circle Drowned In Orange Juice

The familiar sounds of Fozzy plays as Moongoose McQueen’s biggest fan and look-alike, “Le Champion” himself, Chris Jericho makes his way out accompanied by members of The Inner Circle — with one god-like latino missing from the scene for obvious reasons.

The Inner Circle enters the ring as the announcers point out that Taz has left the commentary desk to go get “The Machine” Brian Cage ready for his AEW World Heavyweight Championship shot against Jon Moxley.

From there Jericho begins his promo and after explaining ratings to the fans at home and how key demos work, he talks about defeating Orange Cassidy in last week’s AEW FYTER FEST night two main event. He ends up taking one drink of a big jug of orange juice for the win and pours another sip out for the death of the career of the “Freshly Squeezed” one.

Jericho says Cassidy will never get a rematch. With that said, Orange Cassidy’s theme hits and out comes the jean-jacket-wearing member often seen alongside The Best Friends. Jericho talks a bunch of trash to Cassidy and gets more and more angry as he stands there with his hands in his pocket not reacting at all. He finally raises his hand up with the thumbs-up sign. Jericho loses his cool, but mocks Cassidy for raising his little thumb.

Big mistake.

A $1,000 jacket worn by “Le Champion” gets ruined as tons of orange juice pours down from the ceiling, drowning The Inner Circle in its’ citrusy deliciousness as the fans go nuts with enjoyment at the misfortune of “Le Champion” and The Inner Circle. Jericho shouts for someone to give him a towel as we head to a commercial break.

Alex Marvez Interviews Jurassic Express, Chris Jericho Joins On Commentary

We return from the break with J.R. telling us that Jericho will be joining them on commentary for the rest of hour two soon. He says Jurassic Express is up in a six-man tag-team match next.

From there we shoot to a quick pre-match backstage interview with Alex Marvez talking to Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt and Luchasaurus. Back live, we see a still irate Jericho joining J.R. and Excalibur at the commentary desk, where he finishes his trademark heel hissy fit.

We watch highlights of Jericho getting doused in orange juice before the break. He complains about being sticky all over the place because of it. He says things are not over between him and Orange Cassidy. He promises that there will be a rematch, despite what he said earlier. Cassidy apparently achieved his goal.

Jurassic Express vs. The Elite

Now the theme of Jurassic Express plays as Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt and Luchasaurus make their way down to the ring together. From there, the theme of The Elite plays as Kenny Omega comes out with Nick and Matt Jackson — The Young Bucks.

Six man tag-team action is up now here at AEW Fight For The Fallen as the bell sounds to get our next match underway. Nick Jackson and Jungle Boy will be kicking things off for their respective teams. “Le Champion” begrudgingly puts over the athletic ability of Nick as the action gets underway.

Jericho is still off-and-on in his citrus-inspired temper-tantrum, in hilarious fashion as you would expect from the entertaining leader of The Inner Circle. Stunt tags in now, as does Kenny Omega, who keeps his blue t-shirt on while he wrestles. Stunt is actually getting the better of Omega here in the early goings. Omega shows a sign of disbelief with his facial reaction and the look in his eyes after Stunt’s offensive series of moves.

“Le Champion” speculates that Omega wasn’t taking Stunt seriously, and that’s why he kept the blue t-shirt on. He’s right, as Omega rips it off angrily and goes to work on Stunt. Stunt fires back and tags in Luchasaurus after Omega tags out as well. We’ve got bodies flying everywhere now as high-spots are happening everywhere you look, with Stunt hitting both Young Bucks members with big kicks from the ring apron. Luchasaurus blows a snap-dragon suplex from Omega. Omega ends up decking him with a drop kick anyways.

Omega hits an over-the-top-rope flip onto all three opponents before J.R. takes us to a mid-match, picture-in-picture break. “I’m covered in orange juice!” we hear Jericho say right before a Papa John’s Pizza commercial airs.

We’re back from the break and we see The Young Bucks and Jungle Boy Jack battling it out in the ring. Jungle Boy hits a head-scissors takedown out to the floor from the ring apron, followed by another big spot off the top-rope in the ring. Nick Jackson and Luchasaurus each tag in now, as fresh men enter the match.

Luchasaurus is taking out any-and-everything that moves, flattening both Bucks repeatedly before hitting a chokeslam and standing flip onto Jackson for a near fall that Omega breaks up just in time.

Now as the match continues we see FTR joining “Hangman” Adam Page for a drink at a bar somewhere presumably inside Daily’s Place. Meanwhile we return to see Omega blast Luchasaurus with a running V-Trigger that doesn’t even take the big man off his feet. He then hits a snap-dragon suplex on the monster of Jurassic Express. He then follows up with snap-dragon suplexes on Stunt and Jungle Boy for good measure.

Luchasaurus goes for the spinning tail-whip kick but misses. He eats a double super kick from The Young Bucks and then is blasted with a Tiger Driver ’98, which Jericho insults for having a stupid name. We see another crazy spot with Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt hitting a wicked back-to-back top-rope high-spot for a near fall. Jericho points out that those two are such a great team. J.R. says he’d love to see how Luchasaurus goes as a singles competitor.

We then see a crazy stacked tower spot in the middle of the ropes. A big destroyer off Luchasaurus’ shoulders on the ropes. Jericho says he’s never seen that before and that you’ll only see something like that in AEW. J.R. comments about how dangerous that was.

Omega, meanwhile, is firing up now on offense as the finish in this one feels near. He blasts Luchasaurus with a V-Trigger. And another. He grabs Marko Stunt and hoists him up for the One-Winged Angel. Stunt escapes but ends up getting blasted with a V-Trigger and a One-Winged Angel from Omega for the pin fall victory.

Winners: The Elite

After The Match: Kenny Omega Snaps

As soon as the bell sounds, we hear Jericho remark, “That was a great match.” The Elite’s music plays. Omega loses his cool momentarily and punches away at his already beaten foes.

The Elite’s music stops playing and The Young Bucks try and calm Omega down. Jericho complains on commentary about the Bucks being little babies. He says there’s no rules in wrestling.

Alex Marvez Interviews Hikaru Shida

Backstage, we see Alex Marvez standing by with AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida. He points out that the top four ranked contenders in the AEW women’s singles division are all unable to compete for one reason or another right now.

Shida then puts out somewhat of a call-to-all-arms challenge to find an opponent to defend her title against. After the quick segment, we head to a commercial break.

Jon Moxley Has A Message For Taz & Brian Cage

As we get ready for one more bout before tonight’s AEW Fight For The Fallen main event, we go to a quick pre-match promo from the AEW World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley.

He talks about getting to finally return to doing what he loves most tonight — and that’s fight. He then reveals to Taz that he’s well-aware of his technique talk breakdown and how he claims he won’t be able to hit his Paradigm Shift finisher on Cage because “The Machine” is too big. He says he won’t even bother trying then.

Instead, he vows to snap the FTW Champion’s arm in two. He says the one that was just surgically repaired recently. The same one that had Cage out of action for over five months.

Nightmare Sisters vs. MJ Jenkins & Kenzie Page

Now we head back down to ringside where the Nightmare Sisters make their way down to the ring for their fourth match as a duo, as the undefeated duo is up in tag-team action in the AEW women’s tag-team division next.

Already in the ring are their opponents for tonight — MJ Jenkins and Kenzie Page. The bell sounds and here we go with our next bout of the evening, the final match before tonight’s big main event.

Immediately Brandi Rhodes jumps off to an early offensive lead, taking it to Page. Finally, Page makes the tag to MJ Jenkins.

Jenkins doesn’t have any better of an outing, with Allie beating her down and the Nightmare Sisters picking up a quick win in what was essentially a squash showcase match for the undefeated new team.

Dustin Rhodes joins them to celebrate as we head to another commercial break.

Winners: Nightmare Sisters

EXCUSE ME, Nyla Rose Has A Big Announcement

We return from commercial and J.R. immediately sends it over to Dasha Gonzalez, who introduces former AEW Women’s World Champion Nyla Rose. Rose’s music plays and out she comes as we see Dr. Britt Baker — busted nose and all — watching on.

Rose joins Dasha in the ring. Dasha asks Nyla who her manager is after teasing the big news last week. Rose says she’s not going to tell her, or any of us watching, anything. She says she doesn”t need to, because she’s going to let them say it for themselves.

We hear some hip-hop sounding mix of Vickie Guerrero screaming “Excuse Me!” and out she comes to the ring with a microphone, yelling “Excuse Me!” in her annoying screeching voice. Dasha asks Vickie what she’s doing here.

She tells the AEW women’s locker room that Nyla Rose is going to take everything they’ve worked for and make it hers. She laughs like a psycho as her cool music plays again to end the segment.

AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Brian Cage

After running down the matches scheduled for AEW Dynamite next Wednesday night, we hear the theme song of “The Machine” Brian Cage. The man who holds the FTW Championship title belt comes out accompanied by “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, as tonight’s main event is up next.

As they enter the ring, Excalibur points out on commentary that although Cage has Taz’s old FTW Championship, it is not a title recognized by All Elite Wrestling, and thus, that is why Justin Roberts did not include a reference to it in his introduction of Cage as he walked to the ring. Seconds later, Justin Roberts announces him as the FTW Champion after being intimidated into doing so by Cage and Taz in the ring.

We then head to a commercial break. The AEW Fight For The Fallen main event is up next. We return from the break to Taz on the microphone in the ring. He talks about Moxley being on the shelf for weeks while Cage has been training and kicking ass while keeping busy waiting for the title shot he earned back at AEW Double Or Nothing 2020. He says it’s enough. He tells Moxley to finally show himself and come out to the ring, and says for him to bring his pretty little title with him.

Mox’s music plays and the champion makes his way to the ring through the mostly empty rafters inside Daily’s Place amphitheater. As soon as he enters the ring, while his music is still playing, Moxley is attacked by Cage, who like a caged animal, is finally let loose. He goes to work on Moxley, using his size and strength advantage early on to rag-doll the champion. Moxley tries to go to work on the surgically repaired arm of Cage as he vowed to do earlier in the evening, however Cage is too powerful here in the early goings of this match as he easily reverses the attempt.

Cage hits some big slams and suplexes. Now Moxley does slow down “The Machine,” and does, in fact, go to work on the arm, as promised. He goes for the Cross-Armbreaker on the ground, but Cage avoids it. Now Cage blasts Mox with some big punches before folding the champ in half with a huge suplex. Excalibur plugs the secret hash-tag during the upcoming picture-in-picture commercial break.

Cage is knocked out to the floor. As Taz goes to give him some advice, Moxley comes flying through the ropes, crashing onto the FTW Champion. Cage quickly turns the tables and is smashing Mox head-first into the steel barricade. The ref is following the two around and watching all of this, which the announcers quickly over-explain why that doesn’t result in a DQ for some reason.

Moxley grabs a steel chair now and takes a big piece of the guard rail and leans it against the ring. Mox goes for a move but Cage reverses it into a big suplex on Mox, with the champ crashing on the steel ring barricade with authority. J.R. then immediately kicks it to a mid-match break.

We’re back and we see Mox and Cage still duking it out in the ring. The announcers bring us up to speed on what happened during the break, which was essentially more of the same until Mox started fighting his way back into the bout.

Now we see as Mox has the steel chair that he grabbed earlier outside of the ring. He unfolds it and sets it up before grabbing hold of Cage with bad intentions. “The Machine”, however, reverses and hits a release suplex on Mox with the AEW World Champion crashing hard on the steel chair for a vicious landing.

The action resumes inside the ring where eventually Mox fights back into the contest and blasts Cage with a Paradigm Shift. Cage manages to avoid the three-count. Now Mox has Cage in an armbar type of submission on the surgically repaired biceps of the FTW Champion. Cage eventually fights out and starts dominating Mox with big slams and suplexes.

Regardless, Mox fires up again on offense and again locks Cage in an armbar. This time he’s got it fully locked in, which the announcers point out. We hear Taz trying to talk Cage through the techniques of how to escape. Mox, meanwhile, has his tongue out and is mocking Taz while Cage is unable to escape and things just seem to be getting worse-and-worse for his previously torn biceps.

Ultimately, Taz throws in his famous orange towel. The throwing in of the towel, of course, stops the match and thus, Moxley retains his AEW World Championship in the process.

Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Jon Moxley

After The Match: Darby Allin Returns

When the match ends, Taz enters the ring to check on Cage. Cage gets up and takes his FTW Championship and blasts Moxley with it in a cheap shot move.

Then, the lights go out.

When they come back out we see Darby Allin at ringside. He blasts Cage with his skateboard and beats him down until he and Taz retreat up the ramp while Allin’s music plays, he and Mox talk in the ring while Cage goes nuts. He is being restrained by a ton of AEW officials as the announcers discuss what just transpired. Jericho closes the show once again yelling out, “I’m covered in orange juice!” J.R. replies, “You stink!”

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