
Abdusattorov beats Carlsen to take sole lead in Tata Steel Masters 2023


Five rounds are played at the Tata Steel Chess Masters 2023 and 18-year-old Nodirbek Abdusattorov emerged as the sole leader of the event after defeating World Champion Magnus Carlsen yesterday.

Carlsen suffered two losses in a row, which happened in 2015 for the last time. The Uzbekistani teen prevailed in the exciting Queens endgame holding Black pieces. With his fifth round victory, Abdusattorov scores 4 points, followed by Anish Giri who holds second place with 3.5 points.

Another two games of the 5th round finished in a decisive result. Levon Aronian and Parham Maghsoodloo scored their first wins in the event playing against Vincent Keymer and Jorden van Foreest (respectively).

Rankings after 5 played rounds:

1  Abdusattorov, Nodirbek 4/5 2713
2  Giri, Anish 3½/5 2764
3  Praggnanandhaa 3/5 2684
4  Aronian, Levon 3/5 2735
5  Caruana, Fabiano 3/5 2766
6  Erigaisi Arjun 2½/5 2722
7  Ding, Liren 2½/5 2811
8  So, Wesley 2½/5 2760
9  Maghsoodloo, Parham 2½/5 2719
10  Carlsen, Magnus 2/5 2859
11  Rapport, Richard 2/5 2740
12  Gukesh D 1½/5 2725
13  Van Foreest, Jorden 1½/5 2681
14  Keymer, Vincent 1½/5 2696


Featured photo by:  Jurriaan Hoefsmit – Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2023

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