
WWE SmackDown Live Results 7/16/19


– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens up with a look back at last week’s anti-Shane McMahon promo by Kevin Owens. We also see Owens’ Stunner to Shane after last week’s main event.

– We go to video recorded earlier today backstage. Shane McMahon is with security. He says his guest Kevin Owens has arrived and they know what to do when he walks in any minute now, if things get out of hand. Shane greets Owens and says he heard him loud and clear. Shane says Owens’ ranting gave him the idea of the first-ever SmackDown Town Hall in case the other Superstars want to vent. They have some words and Owens says Shane needs to look at his contract because he’s employed by WWE, not Shane. Shane says WWE is owned by his family and like it or not, he is Owens’ boss. Shane says he will not tolerate Owens going out and lying about him on TV. Shane gives Owens the night off and tells him he’s not allowed in the building. Shane tells Owens goodnight as he leaves the building.

– We’re live from the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He’s joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. The entire blue brand roster is on the stage. Shane McMahon is in the ring. We cut to a video package with highlights from The Undertaker and Roman Reigns vs. Shane and Drew McIntyre at WWE Extreme Rules.

We come back and Greg Hamilton gives the grand introduction to Shane as he takes it all in while posing in the corner. Shane takes the mic as a “you suck!” chant starts up. Shane says Kevin Owens has the night off and he’s not allowed in the building,but Owens did give him the idea for this first-ever Town Hall. Shane says he will be happy to listen to any Superstar, as long as they are respectful. Shane says let’s get started and asks who wants to go first. Roman Reigns finally steps up to the mic for a pop. Reigns says Shane doesn’t get it – no one in this room respects him. As far as diplomacy goes, Shane can kiss Reigns’ ass. Fans pop. Shane says that’s not exactly respectful, so Reigns will be fined and Shane will deal with him later. Fans boo. Shane asks if anyone else wants to go. He calls Charlotte Flair to the mic and says she always has something to say. Flair kisses up to Shane and says from one family to another, thank you. She says the McMahon Family has been nothing but gracious to her, since the day she was born, and it makes her sick that Owens would take advantage of her kindness. Liv Morgan steps up to the mic and interrupts, asking Flair to stop being a phony for once in her life. Liv asks if there’s anything real about Flair. Flair asks who she is and if she even works here. Flair says because we’re all born with blue tongues and she didn’t even know Liv worked here until Owens belched her name out last week. Liv says it’s because of people like Flair that people like her don’t get opportunities. Shane cuts her off.

Shane calls Buddy Murphy to a mic. Buddy says Owens did mention his name last week but he doesn’t need Owens to fight his battles. Murphy says Owens should keep his name out of his mouth before it gets slapped out. Shane is impressed and says he will be talking with Buddy later and he’s no longer the best kept secret. Shane calls Apollo Crews to a mic next. Crews says everyone agrees with what Owens said last week. Zelina Vega and Andrade take a mic next. Vega doesn’t appreciate that Crews is trying to kiss up to the WWE Universe right now. Vega challenges Crews to face Andrade tonight. Andrade speaks in Spanish and yells at Crews. The guitar hits and out comes Elias to the front. He starts his promo but new SmackDown Tag Team Champions Big E and Xavier Woods stop him, calling him the biggest jackass in history. WWE Champion Kofi Kingston won’t say he likes Owens, because they don’t, but he is making good points. Kofi points to how long it took him to get a WWE Title shot. Kofi says everyone on the stage has potential to do great things but Shane isn’t giving opportunities. Kofi’s mic is cut out and Shane apologizes. Shane says he thought the meeting went well, it was a great start. He thanks everyone for coming and says the first SmackDown Town Hall has concluded. Shane’s music hits and the roster starts to go to the back.

Cesaro comes down the ramp with a mic and says he has something to say. Shane says Cesaro is on RAW, and asks why he’s here. Cesaro says he’s here under the Wild Card Rule and he’s here to issue a challenge. Cesaro challenges Aleister Black to pick a fight with him, in a rematch from WWE Extreme Rules. Shane makes the match official. Shane goes on speaking when Owens suddenly appears behind him in the ring. Fans start cheering. Shane turns around and it looks like Shane botches it at first, but Owens drops him with a Stunner. Owens retreats through the crowd as fans cheer him on. Owens stops on the stairs Wthe crowd and stares at Shane as he recovers in the ring. We go to commercial.

Cesaro vs. Aleister Black

Back from the break and out comes Aleister Black with a big entrance. Cesaro is out next for this Extreme Rules rematch.

The bell rings and they go at it with Black nailing strikes to start. Cesaro fights back with uppercuts.. Black with a kick to the gut and a kick to drop Cesaro, sending him out. Black goes to leap out but stops and puts the brakes on, taking a seat in the middle of the ring. Black stares out at Cesaro. We go to commercial as the screen splits.

Back from the break and they trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Black drops Cesaro with chops and a sweep. Black with a sliding knee as fans cheer him on. Black goes on and hits a moonsault for a close 2 count. Black charges with a knee but Cesaro dodges it and hits a big uppercut in the corner. Cesaro rocks Black and drops him with a boot. Cesaro ends up with a Crossface applied in the middle of the ring.

The hold is broken and Black ends up hitting a big knee to the jaw. Cesaro goes down. Black sizes Cesaro up and hits a big Black Mass kick for the pin to win.

Winner: Aleister Black

– After the match, Black stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays.

– Dolph Ziggler is backstage with Shane McMahon. Ziggler wants to teach Kevin Owens a lesson but Shane says he’s probably long gone by now. Ziggler thinks he can get Owens to come back for the main event. Shane tells him to do it and the match will be on.

– We see Charlotte Flair walking to the ring for a match with Liv Morgan. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Daniel Bryan’s post-Extreme Rules promo where he said he has to go where he’s never gone before.

Liv Morgan vs. Charlotte Flair

We go to the ring and out first comes Charlotte Flair. Liv Morgan is out next. Liv poses on the ropes as Flair stares her down from the corner.

The bell rings and they size each other up. They lock up and Flair shoves Liv to the mat and talks some trash. Liv ducks an attack and unloads with strikes. Liv with a hurricanrana takedown for a pop. Liv with a missile dropkick to keep the momentum going. Liv poses on the mat and sticks her tongue out at Flair, taunting her while she’s down.

Flair gets up and charges but Liv grabs her. Flair knocks Liv down with a back elbow. Flair keeps Liv down and works her over, using the second rope as the referee warns her. Flair with big chops now. Liv counters a move and nails an enziguri. Liv screams out and hits a big double stomp to the back of the head in the corner. Liv with a close 2 count.

Liv runs the ropes and leaps but Flair grabs her in mid-air and drops her with a powerbomb. Flair applies the Figure Four and goes right into the Figure Eight for the submission win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

– After the match, Flair stands tall as her music hits. We go to replays. Flair makes her exit as Liv gets a bit emotional on the apron as Graves talks about her performance. Liv goes over and snatches the headset from Graves. She says, “Charlotte was right and when I come back I’m going to be real!” Liv walks off, leaving a shocked Graves.

– We see Dolph Ziggler in the back with referee Drake Wuertz. Ziggler gets Kevin Owens’ phone number from Drake and walks off.

– We see Ember Moon backstage walking. Back to commercial.

Ember Moon and Bayley vs. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville

Back from the break and out comes Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville first. Ember Moon is out next. It’s time to find out who her mystery partner is. Out comes SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley for a pop. We see how Bayley retained over Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss in the 2-on-1 Handicap Match at Extreme Rules.

The bell rings and Rose and Deville both unload on Bayley to start. The referee tries to restore order early on as Deville is still in the ring. Deville with a big knee to Bayley as Rose covers for a 2 count. Deville finally exits the ring as Rose unloads on Bayley. The referee backs her off and she yells at him. Bayley finally drops Rose and tags in Moon.

Moon goes right to work on Rose, taking her frustration out on her. Moon with kicks in the corner. Moon goes to the top. Deville runs in but Bayley drops her with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex. Moon comes off the top with The Eclipse on Rose for the pin to win.

Winners: Ember Moon and Bayley

– After the match, Bayley and Ember stand tall as Ember’s music hits. We go to replays. Kayla Braxton enters the ring and asks Bayley about her challenger for SummerSlam. She says she’s glad her chapter with Alexa Bliss has ended, so she can get back to her original plan to elevate the women’s division. Bayley wants to face someone who’s worthy of a shot, who has charisma, who she’s never faced before, who would be dedicated to the title if they win. Bayley looks at Moon and Kayla asks her if she’s up for it. Moon accepts the challenge and it looks like we might have a match for SummerSlam. They celebrate as Moon’s music hits.

– Still to come, The Kabuki Warriors vs. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The IIconics.

– WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura is backstage with Charly Caruso. Nakamura says he’s now free to reign down chaos on the whole WWE Universe. Ali walks up and congratulates him. Ali walks away and Nakamura stares at him.

– We see Daniel Bryan and Rowan backstage walking. Bryan has a career-altering announcement up next. We go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes The New Day – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston and new SmackDown Tag Team Champions Big E and Xavier Woods.

They all congratulate each other for their big wins at WWE Extreme Rules. Big E mocks Daniel Bryan and his announcements. Big E goes on to accept Bryan’s tag team title rematch before he even asks for it. The music hits and out comes Bryan with Rowan to the stage.

Bryan looks to speak but he’s changed his mind. He turns and walks to the back as The New Day looks on from the ring. Graves says they have spoiled Bryan’s announcement. Bryan comes walking back out with Rowan. He looks angry but ready to speak. Bryan turns back around and walks to the back again. Bryan and Rowan come walking out for a third time. Fans chant for The New Day as Bryan goes to speak. He doesn’t speak but he looks around at the crowd again, and at The New Day. Bryan drops the mic and walks to the back again as fans boo.

The music hits and out comes Samoa Joe as The New Day looks on from the ring. Joe says it seems Bryan isn’t in the mood for championship opportunities but he is. Joe knocks Woods and Big E, and challenges Kofi to put the WWE Title on the line tonight. Fans cheer. Joe waits for an answer. The music interrupts and out comes Elias. Elias says with all due respect, Joe had his chance at Extreme Rules and it didn’t work out. Elias says if anyone is primed and ready to take the title from Kofi, he is. The music hits and out comes Randy Orton to join Elias and Joe on the stage next. Orton says it’s been a while since he had the title around his waist, so he thinks he’s going to take it from Kofi, and he’s going to do it with the three most dangerous letters in WWE – RKO. Elias says they can’t all have title matches tonight, but us three can send a message to the other three in the ring. The New Day asks if that’s a challenge. They huddle and discuss, then accept the match, playa. Orton says he’s good on a six-man. Orton turns around and walks to the back. Kofi takes the mic and taunts Orton, calling him a little limp. Orton stops and listens, then turns back around. Orton marches to the ring as his music hits. We go to commercial.

The New Day vs. Elias, Samoa Joe and Randy Orton

Back from the break and Elias locks up with Kofi Kingston. Kofi drops Elias first for a 2 count. Randy Orton provides a distraction, allowing Elias to hit Kofi from behind.

Samoa Joe tags in and unloads on Kofi in the corner. Joe keeps control and whips Kofi hard into another corner. Kofi comes back and drops Joe with knees for a 2 count. Kofi mounts offense and tags Xavier Woods in for some double teaming. Woods with a flying elbow drop as Big E tags in.

Big E runs the ropes and splashes Joe for a close 2 count. Joe fights off Big E and in comes Elias. Big E catches Elias in an abdominal stretch and spanks him. Big E slams Elias. Woods comes back in for another double team as Big E wheel-barrows him on top of Elias for a 2 count. Woods keeps control of Elias and hits an Honor Roll for a 2 count.

Orton with a big cheap shot to Woods as the referee is distracted with Elias. Elias unloads on Woods in the corner now. Elias drops Woods with another elbow for a 2 count. Elias mounts Woods and then tosses him out to the floor. We go to commercial as the screen splits.

More back and forth between the two teams after the break. Elias climbs up for a superplex on Woods but Woods sends him to the mat. Woods flies out with a missile dropkick. Fans rally for The New Day now. Orton tags in as Kofi springboards in to take him down. Kofi drops Joe off the apron and goes back to unloading on Orton now. Fans cheer Kofi on as he drops Orton and hits the Boom Drop in the middle of the ring. Kofi waits for Orton to get up. Orton blocks the Trouble In Paradise. Kofi blocks the RKO. Kofi side-steps and hits a crossbody for a 2 count as Elias breaks it up.

Big E runs in with a belly-to-belly on Elias. Joe levels Big E with a clothesline. Woods attacks Joe and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Woods runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Joe down on the floor again as fans pop. Woods comes back in and tangles with Elias from the apron. Joe pulls Woods down to the floor. Joe applies the Coquina Clutch on the floor and Woods fades. Big E comes over but Elias drops him on the floor with a knee. Elias comes back in the ring but Kofi nails him with Trouble In Paradise to send him back out. Orton comes in and drops Kofi with the RKO for the pin to win.

Winners: Randy Orton, Elias and Samoa Joe

– After the match, Orton stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. We come back to Orton standing tall over Kofi in the ring, looking down at him.

– Still to come, Owens vs. Ziggler in the main event.

– We see The Kabuki Warriors backstage walking with Paige. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Carmella is looking for WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth backstage. He’s hiding in what looks like an old washing machine and apparently he’s stuck. Carmella helps him out. Carmella suggests Truth go to Comic Con to hide out from potential challengers. It looks like they are going to SDCC.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: The Kabuki Warriors vs. The IIconics

We go to the ring and both teams are already in the ring – Asuka and Kairi Sane with Paige, and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Billie Kay and Peyton Royce. We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton.

Royce disrespects Sane to start but it backfires. Sane takes control and Asuka comes in for a double team. The double team continues on Royce and Asuka covers for a 2 count. Royce dodges a Rear View. Royce with a kick and a tag to Kay. Kay comes in and covers Asuka for a 2 count. Asuka ends up dropping Kay with a big kick as she screams out and goes to the floor. Royce checks on Kay at ringside as the referee counts.

Kay goes to slowly re-enter the ring at the 8 count but Royce pulls her back off the apron so they get counted out but still retain their titles.

Winners By Count Out: Asuka and Kairi Sane

– After the match, Asuka and Sane aren’t happy with the finish as they look on with Paige. They attack The Iiconics at ringside. They launch Kay into the barrier. Asuka brings Royce into the ring and levels her with a big kick to the head. Sane goes to the top and hits the InSane Elbow on Royce.

– We see Andrade and Zelina Vega backstage walking. Back to commercial.

Andrade vs. Apollo Crews

Back from the break and out first comes Andrade with Zelina Vega. Apollo Crews is out next.

Andrade attacks Crews as he enters the ring before the bell. Vega cheers him on. The referee backs Andrade into his corner and Crews is laid out face-down. Crews tells the referee he’s good to go and we get the bell.

Andrade attacks Crews as soon as the bell hits, beating him into the corner. Andrade drops Crews again and mounts him. Andrade stuns Crews and drops him with another back elbow. Andrade charges with double knees in the corner as Vega cheers him on. Crews grabs Andrade and rolls him up out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: Apollo Crews

– After the match, Vega and Andrade are shocked. Crews makes his exit as his music hits, raising his arm in the air.

– The announcers look back at Bray Wyatt’s surprise return from last night’s RAW. Wyatt attacked Finn Balor in the ring.

– We see Dolph Ziggler walking backstage for the main event. Tom previously noted that Kevin Owens was on his way back to the arena. We go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens

Back from the break and out first comes Dolph Ziggler for tonight’s main event. Kevin Owens is out next, looking over his shoulders for an attack.

The bell rings and Ziggler goes right for a superkick s Owens goes for a Stunner but they both block. Ziggler goes to the floor to regroup but Owens lays him out. Owens talks trash and brings Ziggler back in. Owens goes for the big senton but Ziggler gets his knees up. Ziggler with a Fame-asser on Owens for a close 2 count.

Ziggler keeps control with elbows and shots to the heart for more pin attempts. Ziggler applies a Crossface submission and keeps Owens grounded. Ziggler with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Ziggler talks more trash while taking Owens back to the mat in the middle of the ring. Ziggler keeps control and prevents momentum by Owens. Ziggler with a big DDT for another pin attempt. Fans rally for Owens now. Ziggler misses in the corner and Owens drops him with a superkick. Owens goes back to the top and this time he nails the senton. Ziggler kicks out.

Shane McMahon comes walking out with a bunch of heel Superstars, including Drew McIntyre, Elias, The B Team, The Authors of Pain, Andrade, Cesaro, Samoa Joe, Shelton Benjamin and others. They all surround the ring. Owens is distracted, allowing Ziggler to hit a Zig Zag from behind for a close 2 count. Owens goes head-first into the post in the corner. Owens manages to slap Ziggler in the face but Ziggler unloads and beats him down as the referee stops him.

Ziggler sends Owens into the ring post again. Ziggler goes for a superkick but Owens avoids it and drops Ziggler with a Stunner. Owens covers for the pin to win but Shane pulls Owens out of the ring to break the pin. Owens drops Shane on the floor with a Stunner.

Owens retreats up the ramp to the back as the group of heel Superstars chase him. We see Shane coughing and trying to recover on the floor as we go to replays. We come back to Drew checking on Shane at ringside. Kayla Braxton approaches him for comments. Shane says Owens is going to pay for this, and he’s going to pay bad. Shane limps off with Drew right at his side. They head up the ramp as SmackDown goes off the air.

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