
WrestleMania 36 Night Two Kickoff Video, News on Online Buzz for Night One


– Below is the WWE WrestleMania 36 Kickoff pre-show for Night Two, featuring hosts Corey Graves and Peter Rosenberg. The Night Two Kickoff will feature Liv Morgan vs. Natalya in singles action.

– Night One of WrestleMania 36 had 1 million searches on Google Trends. That’s considered to be a low number as closer to 2 or 3 million was expected.

F4Wonline.com added that Floyd Mayweather’s daughter Yaya also drew 1 million searches yesterday for her alleged involvement in a stabbing. Other combat sports-related searches yesterday were Joe Rogan with 50,000 searches for his comments on voting for President Trump over Joe Biden, and WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair with 50,000 searches for his interview comments on how WrestleMania 36 should take place.

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