UFC Offered Kurt Angle Deals on Two Occasions


WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle recently appeared on the Chris Van Vliet podcast. During the interview Angle revealed that he had been offered deals by the UFC on two separate occasions to fight inside the Octagon. “I knew in the back of my mind that I couldn’t do it. Dana White gave me a great offer, he’s been really good to me. I’ve reached out to him a couple of different times and he was willing to talk to me. He gave me two separate deals two separate times and I backed out” Kurt stated. Dana White apparently also wanted Kurt to quit pro wrestling, although Angle was reluctant to do so at the time in 2006 because he had just signed a deal with TNA.

Kurt would go on to say that he would’ve fought in the 205 pound Light Heavyweight division, although he also saw himself as part of the Heavyweight division. “I’ve always paired well against bigger guys” Angle said, before confirming that if he hadn’t gone into pro wrestling after the Olympics that he would’ve absolutely pursued a career in MMA.

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