
The Undertaker Discusses the Montreal Screwjob with ESPN


The Undertaker recently did a sit down interview with ESPN to discuss the Montreal Screwjob. He recently spoke about it on Bill Simmon’s podcast. He goes into greater detail by explaining that he told Vince McMahon that he would have gladly changed places with Shawn Michaels. When things went down the way they did, Taker mentioned that he almost didn’t show up for work the next day.

I definitely could have and, the next day, I was really pissed that it got to that point. I didn’t show up to TV the next day until really late because I didn’t know if I was going to TV the next day. Mick didn’t go, and it was late in the day before I decided to go, I decided I got to go find out what happened here and why I was done this way.

My point being was like, you should have switched me. You should have put me in the match somehow with Bret. I’m sure Bret would have dropped it to me and I could have dropped it to Shawn right after that. There was a different way to do it, but Vince had to cover his bases.

Undertaker also commented on how Bret Hart managed to punch Vince in the face despite the room being full of so many people trying to stop the confrontation.

I knew at some point he was going to chime in and that wasn’t going to help anything. So they’re going back and forth, Vince is trying to explain his position. Bret’s, you know, giving his thoughts on what he did and basically said: “I’m gonna go in here. I’m gonna shower. I’m gonna get dressed if you’re still here, I’m gonna knock you out. Kind of a deal and that’s basically they talk, he showered, he got dressed, they got up and you know Vince said, “I’m gonna give you one.”

To this day, I cannot figure out how that punch got through so many people. It was like, I really, I don’t know because there were so many people in there and they weren’t like face to face but in that punch got through he hit Vince, Vince went down, and that was it.

(credit: espn.com)

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