
The real reason why PSG struggles to recruit


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“We tried to be creative, with the financial constraints we have. We made a good plan, which involves reducing the number of players in the squad, to make room for young people, and not lose them to other big European clubs. We did everything (for Ziyech, Ed). But as with all transfers, all three parties have to work well. It worked with PSG, with Ziyech, but unfortunately, at the last moment, not with Chelsea…”. In an interview with Téléfoot on Sunday, Luis Campos explained why no new faces arrived in Paris this winter.

A winter transfer window very criticized by the supporters, who expected to see reinforcements, in defense and in the offensive sector in particular. Especially since, since then, Kylian Mbappé has been injured and Neymar’s ankle is worried. In its daily edition, the dailyCrew says a little more about the reasons for the Parisian galley on the transfer window.

To read
Neymar, Messi, young people: Luis Campos’ update on the PSG project

Excessive payroll

We learn in particular that PSG must lower its payroll by 30% next summer to be in the green compared to UEFA’s financial fair play. Which explains why there was no panic buy and why PSG did not recruit to recruit. A difficult situation which has logically greatly limited the club’s room for maneuver during this transfer window, and which will do so again next summer if things do not change.

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Departures would therefore be the solution for this colossal payroll to be reduced, with Sergio Ramos and Presnel Kimpembe who could pack their bags, while Messi and Marquinhos should sign a new lease with the capital club. Otherwise, it’s a new, very quiet transfer market that awaits Parisians for this summer…

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The real reason why PSG struggles to recruit 24hfootnews.

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