
The Miz did a pretty good LA Knight impersonation


During Friday Night SmackDown last week, LA Knight did a damn good impersonation of The Miz. Not to be outdone, The Miz showed up to Monday Night Raw in Memphis this week, threw on some LA Knight gear, and did his best impersonation of The Megastar.

And I’ll be damned if he didn’t do one hell of a job of it:

It was, of course, an obvious poke at Knight sounding an awful lot like a mix of The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, even kinda/sorta biting the “WHAT” chant with “YEAH.” Those comparisons aren’t going to go away anytime soon, so they might as well use them for a storyline exactly like this.

It gave us an entertaining segment that helped build to what should be a fine showcase for Knight on PPV/Peacock.

I say Knight because, well, despite Miz’s hilarious work here it’s clear who the star of the show is now and how WWE feels about him.

Anyway, here are all the videos from Raw this week:

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