
The Best Overwatch Custom Game Codes


Overwatch 2 has tons to offer players with its frequent updates and events. But it’s official content doesn’t always hit the spot. Whether you want to have fun with the Overwatch heroes’ movesets, or practise, or play something blizzard haven’t thought of the Overwatch custom game codes are your key.

Much like modes like Fortnite creative, players can create their own Overwatch game modes. The tools are a bit more limited, largely being what Overwatch already has available. However, players have gotten crazy creative with these map codes.

There’s everything from Hero specific training tools to completely unique game modes, with gameplay unlike anything you’ll see in the main game. If you’ve hit the top of the Overwatch ranks and have those nightmare queue times, getting to know the custom games is going to keep your sanity in-tact. What are some of the best Overwatch custom game codes to try out though?

What are the Best Overwatch Custom Game Codes?


  • R8PRY
  • A3065
  • AXD56

The death run or Parkour has long been a popular custom game across different esports. In Overwatch, they can serve two purposes. For a start they’re fun. It’s great to run around the map and try to accomplish the parkour course. On the other hand, they’re also helpful for getting better at the game. These can really help to polish your movement mechanics. Especially with tricky heroes like Lucio.

Overwatch Custom Game Codes - Oasis Parkour


Since different heroes have different movement abilities, sometimes players skills don’t transfer. Parkour courses are the perfect way to get up to speed with movement on different characters, all without the stress of a live game.

Aim Training

  • AA5QQ

Aim Training areas are a great way to practise your skills in Overwatch. Timing abilities and working with teammates is important, but getting the fundamentals down like aim will always pay off. One of the best maps for practising your aim is the Aim Training Labs. It’s useful for all kinds of weapons and helps you get your core combat skills much more polished.

Overwatch Custom Game Codes - Aim Training


Doom Sumo


One game mode that takes a specific hero and runs with it is Doom Sumo. It’s one of the Overwatch Map codes that’s fairly simple to understand. It’s kind of a sumo wrestling fight, using only Doomfist and characters that do knockback. I’s a creative place to take the Overwatch characters and shows how heroes specific movesets can open things up creatively for map creators.

Overwatch Custom Game Codes - Doom Sumo


1v1 Arena


The perfect place to test out your Overwatch aim that you’ve been working on is the 1v1 Arena This is a workshop code for Overwatch which lets you go head-to-head against another player. This can be fun for showing off your skills, and testing out your progress without having to rely on your team.

Overwatch Custom Game Codes - 1V1 Arena


1v1 Widow Arena


One of the most fun Overwatch Heroes is Widowmaker, the sniper character. This simple arena is deceptively fun. It’s set in a large plain room. Nothing to hide behind, but plenty of room to manoeuvre. Everyone plays as Widow trying to hit snipes on each other. This can be a tricky mode but one of the most fun, especially if you main the sniper.

Overwatch Custom Game Codes - Widow 1v1


Kill to Grow


A fun feature that a few different Overwatch custom game codes use is the ability to make heroes bigger. In this map, as you get kills you’ll get larger. This makes you a bigger target, but can also be pretty fun. There’s different variations of the giant game modes but Kill to Grow might be the most popular.

How to Enter Overwatch Custom Game Codes

The process to go into Custom Games in Overwatch is pretty simple. These are the steps.

  • Go to Custom Games (next to Arcade)
  • Pick Create in top right corner
  • Click settings
  • Enter a code
  • Click Ok
  • Click Start

You can then start a game for the custom game codes. It’s a pretty simple process to get into Overwatch custom games. You can also search for those that are already running though, which is an easy process too.

How to Find Overwatch Custom Game Codes

To jump into a custom Game that’s already running with other people in the lobby, you also need to go to Custom Games. However, you can then use the search function. From here you can find all of the games you can join! It’s pretty different to the kind of games played in the OWCS. However, it’s a great way to find new game modes that other players are enjoying.

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