
Stephanie McMahon Comments On Xavier Woods Racial Inequality Rant, Praises Bianca Belair and Culture Connection


WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon joined The Female Quotient this morning to discuss superstar Bianca Belair, as well as praise the words of New Day Member Xavier Woods after his passionate speech on racial injustice on Twitch Rivals. Highlights from McMahon’s appearance can be found below.

Praise for Bianca Belair:

Bianca… I don’t know her very well personally, but I know her story and I’ve seen her just rise through the ranks. She is one of the most incredibly gifted athletes I’ve ever seen in my life. So strong. Her character is just all sass, and I mean, she will just get right in there and tell it like it is, and then throw down because she has everything she needs to back it up. But then, personally, she’s actually quite reserved. And she is very sweet, and a little bit quiet, and very different than her character that she portrays.

How Belair stays true to herself:

She is true, and she is true to herself. And true to her message, and true to her man. They have this incredible relationship, and I actually watched Bianca in the ring one night having, at that point in time, one of the biggest matches of her career, and sitting right there backstage watching her was Montez. He had tears in his eyes when she came through the back, and they embraced, and it was just like… She had his full support, and you could feel it, and it was amazing. At that time, her career was a little bit ahead of what he was doing.

Comments on the Culture Connection:

What they are doing on The Culture Connection is incredible. I checked it out when they first launched it – and I think they’ve been continuing to add to it – but I think anything we can do to amplify our voices, to amplify voices of all communities but, in particular, the African American community. And, if you’re providing resources, that’s what we’re talking about, right? Education and awareness. That’s where I think it really starts is having these conversations and hearing one another.

On Xavier Woods passionate speech on racial injustice:

One of our Superstars, Xavier Woods, he was doing an interview on Twitch and I saw it on social media and he said how when he was growing up, and he grew up in suburbia, a predominantly white environment, and he said he was taught how to not come across as aggressive.”He was taught to play an instrument, he was taught to really focus on academics – how to pull himself back, just because of the color of his skin. And I just don’t think people know, I don’t think people know these stories, I know I have not heard them until just recently and this is a moment in time to listen and to share, and to do everything we can to bring people together.

Full video below.

(H/T and transcribed by Sportskeeda)

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