
Step By Step Guide to Make Glass in Lego Fortnite


Glass is an item with tons of uses in Lego Fortnite. It’s a building block to making a lot of stuff. Even more so as the game has gotten bigger with all of the updates. In the future keeping a steady supply of these building block resources is going to be important for using all of the new features.

Like most things in Lego Fortnite though, it takes some grinding. It’s a lot quicker than some tasks though, like getting a lightsaber in Lego Fortnite. You’ll need to collect certain items and build a few things in your village before you can jump into actually making glass. So, this is the full process to make glass in Lego Fortnite.

How to Make Glass in Lego Fortnite

What Do You Need to Get Glass?

Lego Fortnite likes to gatekeep most of its content behind various walls. Essentially locking players out until they reach the right part of the game’s progress. For Glass, there’s only a handful of prerequisites that basically come from leveling up your village.

The first thing you need is to have your village upgraded to level 9. Then you’ll be able to unlock the build you need to start producing glass.

The next is to get a Metal Smelter. It’s one of those processing builds that you’ll probably make as soon as you reach the right level for your village. To build it you need some similar ingredients to glass itself, so there is a bit of grinding here too. You have to gather 3 blast cores, 15 brightcores, and 35 obsidian slabs before you can build the Smelter. It’s got to stand up to some real heat, so it makes sense it needs a few ingredients.

If you’ve got both of these things sorted out, then you can get glass in Lego Fortnite! How do you do that?

How to Make Glass in Lego Fortnite

Source: Epic Games

Getting the Ingredients to Make Glass in Lego Fortnite

Glass isn’t just something you’ll stumble on, it has ingredients like anything else in this game. To make a unit of glass, you’ll need 2 sand and 1 brightcore. Both are in the same biome, so if it’s far from your village you might want to look into the vehicles added recently.

You can find sand, surprisingly enough, in that biome that looks like it’s entirely made out of it. Go to a Dry Valley or a beach, then use a shovel to get sand. It’s fairly self-explanatory. Thankfully you have storage and don’t need to hobble back to your village desperately balancing your precarious grains on top of a shovel. It just goes in your little Lego pockets.

You can also find brightcores pretty easily. These are in the caves you’ll find in the same Dry Valley biome. You might need to look around a bit to find the right cave though.

Once you’ve gathered everything, all you need to do is head over to the Metal Smelter and process it into glass! With all of that sorted out though, you can safely start smelting as much glass as you could ever need! With new builds added all the time in Lego Fortnite updates, it could be quite useful to stock up.

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