
Source Reportedly Comments on How Vince McMahon Acted During WWE SmackDown Segment


As noted on Friday night, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon interrupted the SmackDown closing segment with WWE Hall of Famers Triple H and Shawn Michaels, which was to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Game. Vince praised his son-in-law, joked around about his career, got serious for a second about how much he loves him, and even defended SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley for the infamous “This Is Your Life” segment with Alexa Bliss in 2017. Vince finished his promo, apparently done from the stage for social distancing, and told DX to wrap it up as he made his exit back to the Gorilla Position.

The general consensus on social media was that Vince was either all over the place with a crazy rant, or just being a version of Mr. McMahon that was fitting for the theme of the segment. It seems like most people thought Vince was all over the place with his promo, and @Wrestlevotes provided some potential insight to that theory. The Twitter insider posted a screenshot of a conversation he had, with an apparent WWE source, where they commented on Vince’s demeanor.

“That is what he’s been like the last 2 weeks or so I’m seeing,” the source wrote. “Think this pandemic, Mania cancelled, XFL getting killed has finally got to him and he’s at the ‘fuck it’ part of it all. ‘Screw it Vince’ could be wild.”

It’s no secret that the WWE CEO has been dealing with some trying times brought on by the coronavirus pandemic – WWE has had to modify their entire schedule and cancel WrestleMania 36 plans, the XFL has folded, he’s been sued by the former XFL CEO & Commissioner, and more.

Despite the stories going around, Vince seemed to be all business as usual during Thursday’s Q1 2020 investors call. He praised the WWE talents and talked about how proud he is of them, but also blamed the drop in RAW ratings to new talents.

Stay tuned for more.

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