
Ryback On Why C.M. Punk Returned To Do WWE Backstage


On his Conversations With The Big Guy podcast, Ryback discussed why he thinks C.M. Punk returned to be an analyst for WWE Backstage. Here are the highlights:

On Thinking Punk Is In It For The Money:

Everyone does that in different things. I think this is the thing with him—this is all with Vince, and once you know Vince and he is a weird old man as Seth Rollins and others have realized that, it’s all a game to him and this is simply just CM Punk.

Punk had a game plan when he left and the game plan kind of didn’t really go as planned, it bombed it is fair to say, and what his expectations were or what he was hoping but you have to give him credit, the way everything has played out, he negotiated a contract with FOX, and now Vince McMahon is essentially answering to the TV networks now for the first time ever.

It seems like when FOX comes down with something he caters to them and Punk worked out a contract with FOX, and if FOX wants ratings and things, Punk still has power or leverage where people still think he has potential star power where FOX negotiated the deal with him and no matter what WWE thought they were probably going to go along with it because FOX wants it so it’s a weird chess game going on.

On The Egos Involved:

If he wants to go back to WWE he doesn’t want to go back with a tail between his legs. So now this is his way because looking back he kept reiterating that he didn’t want to wrestle, he didn’t want to wrestle but now the chants will start getting louder again. People are putting out that he’s working with WWE. He is one step away from working with WWE again essentially.

He’s working with WWE contracted talent on the show, so this is almost a chess game of a way of him to open the door where if they want him back in the game they will have to approach him where it’s not him going back to a meeting with Hunter and Vince McMahon and them saying, look, you just f—ing bombed in all of this, we’re not giving you this money, now he’s with FOX the chants can potentially startup even louder again where it’s hard for WWE to ignore that and FOX saying, look, we have this guy who was your former champion and people want to see him; your ratings suck.

We need better ratings so we need this guy back on TV. It’s a brilliant move. I have to tip my hat up to him.

On Punk Receiving An Offer From AEW:

I saw that with AEW also and thought of two things. You have to remember that the guy left and walked away. He’s worked for the biggest company in the world. He has some goals that he wanted to achieve there that he didn’t get to fulfill. The amount of money he could probably make is much larger in WWE with merchandising and everything else figured in, AEW is in its infancy stages and hasn’t been proven yet.

I want them to succeed more than anyone, but they are an injury or two away–if Jericho, Cody, Omega or Moxley go down they need a lot of things to stay on the up and up for things to continue for them to have a chance. You look at merchandising aspects; action figures, video games, merchandising in general, they are in the beginning stages of a company and I think Jericho, at this stage of his career getting the amount of money that he got, it made sense for him. He is at the last part of his career, or where he is going to cut back essentially at some point, but with Punk, I don’t know what the schedule is or what they wanted him to be part of something this early in the game where he maybe wants to go and come right back.

When you are at a high level like that it is essentially your choice on that on them offering him a bunch of money and him saying no, he has the right to say no.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Conversations With The Big Guy. H/T WrestlingInc.

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