
Rey Mysterio On A Timetable For His Son’s Debut & More


Rey Mysterio was interviewed at San Diego Comic-Con by Noelle Foley as part of Ringside Collectibles. During the interview, he laid out a timeline for his son Dominick’s debut and more. Here are the highlights:

On Which Of His Superhero Gear Was His Favorite:

I would have to say, throughout the several that I’ve busted out at WrestleManaias, probably the Joker outfit was one of my faves. Most definitely. I think it was because it was the first heel character I busted out, so I think fans really loved it, and I kind of got attached to it.

On A Timetable For His Son’s Debut:

He is in preparation right now. And, hopefully – I shouldn’t say hopefully. The prediction is that by next year, somewhere around this time, he would be in the ring already doing his thing. Right now we’re preparing him, making him look forward to what he has coming for the next several years in his life. I’m blessed, I’m a blessed father, a blessed person to be able to share something that’s so passionate to me with my son.

On Dominick Almost Getting Hurt In Training:

I was actually in the ring with my son yesterday – right now when you say injuries. True enough, I remember grabbing him by the leg, I spun around and as I was sitting down I landed on his wrist. And then you just hear it snap. Thank God nothing happened, but you’re right, injuries are always there.

You can listen to the interview below:

Credit: Ringside Collectibles. H/T Wrestlezone.

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