
Reapered reportedly returning to C9 for LCS Summer Split


Following the end of the LCS 2024 Spring Split which saw C9 fail to qualify for MSI, Reapered is set to make a return to the NA organization.

c9 reapered returns

Image Credit: Riot Games

Reapered returns to North America with C9 replacing Mithy

Head coach Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu will be making his return to the LCS after leaving at the end of 2022, according to esports reporter Sander Hove. Back then, Reapered was the head coach for the 100Thieves squad and was able to take the team to Worlds 2022. In the following year, he joined LJL’s Sengoku Gaming but was unable to take the team to the international stages.

The Korean head coach will replace Alfonso “Mithy” Aguirre Rodríguez, recently released from the team following the loss to Team Liquid in playoffs, marking the first time C9 has missed a final in the last two years. After bringing in domestic talent Jojopyun to form what was supposed one of the strongest rosters the LCS has ever put together, failing to qualify for MSI was unexpected by most fans.

For Reapered, his addition to the C9 squad marks a return, following his 4-year tenure from 2016 to 2020, which included four world appearances, including a top-four finish at Worlds 2018, the highest result an LCS team has ever achieved in League history. Prior to starting his coaching career, Reapered had played for a few years professionally first as a top laner then as a jungler.

More changes on the rise?

Coaching changes are not the only one planned changes for C9 during the offseason. According to esports reporter Brieuc Seeger, Dplus KIA Challengers Toplaner Park “Thanatos” Seung-gyu is set to become the new top laner for Cloud9, potentially replacing Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami on the roster.

The Korean player has been one of the most hyped talents from the LCK Challengers league, alongside his former jungler Choi “Lucid” Yong-hyeok, who is now the starter on DK’s LCK lineup. Just like C9 did with Berserker, the organization is hoping to find a new gem that can lead to the team to new heights, both domestically and internationally.

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