
Penta El Zero Miedo Promises To Do “Whatever It Takes” To Defeat Jon Moxley On Tonight’s AEW Dynamite


AEW superstar Penta El Zero Miedo spoke with Sports Illustrated ahead of this evening’s Dynamite from TBS, where the Lucha Bro will be taking on Jon Moxley for the AEW world championship.

During the interview Penta promised that he would do whatever it takes to dethrone Mox, adding that he doesn’t care how much he bleeds to make it happen. Highlights can be found below.

Will do whatever it takes:

“I’m going to do whatever it takes to beat Mox. I don’t care if there is blood, his blood or mine. I want to make history in AEW, so I will not hold back.”

Calls Death Triangle the best trios team in the Universe:

“We are better than all of them. We are the best trio in the universe and we have proven it. There was a misunderstanding last week [between Fénix and PAC], but now everything is fine. There is no one we can’t beat.”

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