
Paul Heyman’s Plans for Cedric Alexander Revealed, Cedric on His WWE Clash of Champions Homecoming


Cedric Alexander is set to return home to Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday to challenge WWE United States Champion AJ Styles at WWE’s Clash of Champions pay-per-view, but he might have to wait for his big title reign to kick off.

Cedric is one of the talents that RAW Executive Director Paul Heyman is high up on. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter adds that Heyman reportedly wants to give Cedric a “slow push” to the top of the ladder. Apparently Heyman has slow pushes to “the top rung” planned for a few different RAW Superstars.

There’s no word yet on what WWE has planned for Cedric at Sunday’s pay-per-view and past that, but it’s believed his push will continue, even if he takes the loss to Styles.

Cedric took to Instagram this morning and hyped Sunday’s homecoming at Clash of Champions.

“This Sunday I come home and become @WWE United States Champion! #AgeOfAlexander #EbonyLion #SecondToNone #QueenCitysFavoriteSon,” Cedric wrote, as seen in the Instagram post below.

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