
Omega responds to feedback that AEW Fight Forever needs ‘a lot of work’


AEW Games’ YouTube

Two and a half years after it was officially announced, AEW’s first wrestling simulation game — Fight Forever — was released last week.

As the folks at AEW Games and their partners at Yukes and THQNordic have been telling us it would be, Fight Forever is a throwback to the days of WWF No Mercy in that. The arcade-style brawler is more about being able to quickly pick up a controller & have some fun with your friends than it is about exactingly recreating what we see on television each week.

But even while reviews (like this one from our own Marcus Benjamin) and initial response have praised Fight Forever for delivering on that promise, even the most positive ones have pointed out that this is clearly a first attempt with several kinks to be worked out.

One such bit of feedback caught the attention of AEW star & executive vice-president Kenny Omega, who’s played a big part in Fight Forever’s development. Omega welcomed the constrictive criticism, indicating he expects fixes will be forthcoming as they are for many games. He also promised “continued support” for AEW Games marquee release:

AEW’s already released on downloadable content for Fight Forever with the “FTR Revival Pack”, and we should get other updates along with future DLC offerings.

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