
NJPW G1 Climax 31 Results 10/21/21


NJPW G1 Climax 31 Results 10/20/21
Night Nineteen: The Finals
Nippon Budokan
Tokyo, Japan

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezMedia 

Here’s the official reference sheet for the NJPW G1 Climax 31 

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

Pre-Show Match: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Kosei Fujita & Ryohei Oiwa

El Desperado and Ryohei Oiwa will start things off. Chain grappling exchange. Oiwa is raining down forearms. Oiwa applies a side headlock. Desperado grabs a side wrist lock. Oiwa with a forearm smash. Oiwa kicks Desperado in the gut. Oiwa applies wrist lock. Oiwa backs Desperado into the red turnbuckle pad. Oiwa tags in Fujita. Fujita applies a wrist lock. Fujita hammers down on the left shoulder of Desperado. Fujita applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Desperado puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Fujita repeatedly stomps on Desperado’s chest. Fujita with forearm shivers. Fujita with a double leg takedown. Fujita transitions into a ground and pound attack. Fujita applies a double wrist lock. Fujita transitions into The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Desperado applies a side headlock. Fujita tags in Oiwa. Oiwa is putting the boots to Desperado. Oiwa knocks Kanemaru off the ring apron. Oiwa repeatedly stomps on Desperado’s chest. Oiwa bodyslams Desperado. Forearm Exchange. Oiwa with a double leg takedown. Oiwa continues to dish out forearms. Oiwa applies a side headlock. Desperado with The Knee Breaker. Desperado blasts Fujita off the apron. Desperado tags in Kanemaru.

Wish Bone Attack. Kanemaru whips Oiwa across the ring. Kanemaru dropkicks the left knee of Oiwa. Kanemaru repeatedly stomps on the left hamstring of Oiwa. Kanemaru hyperextends the left shoulder of Oiwa. Kanemaru applies a leg lock. Desperado is illegally choking Oiwa with his boot. Kanemaru toys around with Oiwa. Kanemaru kicks Oiwa in the gut. Kanemaru goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Oiwa lands back on his feet. Kanemaru rakes the eyes of Oiwa. Oiwa dropkicks Kanemaru. Oiwa tags in Fujita. Fujita drops Kanemaru with a shoulder tackle. Fujita knocks Desperado off the apron. Kanemaru kicks Fujita in the face. Fujita dropkicks Kanemaru for a two count. Fujita goes for The Boston Crab, but Desperado gets in the way. Oiwa with forearm shivers. Desperado rakes the eyes of Oiwa. Oiwa with a Back Body Drop. Young Lions gangs up on Kanemaru. Double Irish Whip. Double Dropkick. Fujita applies The Boston Crab. Kanemaru grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Fujita repeatedly stomps on Kanemaru’s back. Kanemaru dropkicks Fujita. Kanemaru with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Fujita with an inside cradle for a two count. Kanemaru stomps on Fujita’s back. Kanemaru with a Vertical Suplex. Kanemaru makes Fujita tap out to The Boston Crab.

Winner: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru via Submission 

First Match: Jeff Cobb & The Great O-Khan vs. Yuji Nagata & Toru Yano

The Great O-Khan and Toru Yano will start things off. Yano is playing mind games with Khan. Khan attacks Yano from behind. Khan kicks Yano in the gut. Khan punches Yano in the back. Khan rakes the eyes of Yano. Khan stomps on the left foot of Yano. Yano reverses out of the irish whip from Khan. Yano removes a turnbuckle pad. Yano side steps Khan into the exposed steel. Yano slaps Khan in the back of the head. Khan nails Yano with The Pump Kick. Khan grabs Yano’s ears. Khan dumps Yano out of the ring. Khan attacks Yano with the turnbuckle pad. Khan is choking Yano with his boot. Cobb and Nagata are brawling on the outside. Khan rolls Yano back into the ring. Khan applies the greco roman throat hold. Khan stomps on Yano’s chest. Khan applies a front face lock. Khan tags in Cobb. Cobb headbutts the back of Yano. Cobb with a forearm smash. Cobb with another headbutt for a two count. Cobb hooks the outside leg for a two count. Cobb repeatedly drives Yano back first into the neutral color turnbuckle pad. Yano with heavy bodyshots. Yano with a forearm smash. Cobb drives his knee into the midsection of Yano. Yano tugs on Cobb’s hair. Cobb rocks Yano with a forearm smash. Yano pulls Cobb down to the mat. Yano tags in Nagata.

Nagata kicks Cobb in the face. Nagata kicks Khan off the ring apron. Nagata unloads Three Mid-Kicks. Cobb reverses out of the irish whip from Nagata. Nagata drops Cobb with The Big Boot. Cobb denies The Exploder Suplex. Nagata with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Nagata with a Rising Knee Strike. Cobb denies The Back Drop Driver. Nagata with forearm shivers. Cobb reverses out of the irish whip from Nagata. Cobb dropkicks Nagata. Cobb tags in Khan. Khan stomps on Nagata’s back. Khan punches Nagata in the back. Double Irish Whip. Nagata side steps Khan into the turnbuckle pad. Nagata with another Big Boot. Nagata blocks The Claw. Nagata dropkicks the left knee of Khan. Nagata hits The Exploder Suplex. Nagata tags in Yano. Khan reverses out of the irish whip from Yano. Khan drives Yano back first into the exposed steel. Khan whips Yano across the ring. Khan holds onto the ropes. Yano ducks a clothesline from Khan. Yano with a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Fireman’s Carry Takeover Exchange. Khan knocks Nagata off the apron. Double Irish Whip. Khan with a corner clothesline. Cobb with a leaping back elbow smash. United Empire follows that with Two GutWrench Suplex’s for a two count. Cobb dumps Nagata out of the ring. Cobb is choking Nagata. Khan wants Yano to kiss his boot. Yano delivers the low blow. Yano connects with The NU2 to pickup the victory.

Winner: Yuji Nagata & Toru Yano via Pinfall 

Second Match: Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto, and Yoshi Hashi vs. EVIL, SHO, Yujiro Takahashi w/Dick Togo In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

SHO stomps on the Chaos towel before the bell rings. That leads us to a pier six brawl. Goto repeatedly stomps on Sho’s chest. Goto is choking Sho with his boot. Goto slaps Sho in the chest. Goto with the irish whip. Goto with a corner clothesline. Hashi blasts Sho with a knife edge chop. Goto punches Sho in the back. Hashi with a forearm smash. Double Irish Whip. Sho holds onto the ropes. EVIL and Takahashi pulls Goto and Hashi down to the mat. Sho knocks Ishii off the ring apron. Sho kicks Goto out of the ring. Sho hammers down on the right shoulder of Goto. Sho is choking Goto with his boot. All hell is breaking loose in the Nippon Budokan. Sho rolls Goto back into the ring. Sho whips Goto into the exposed steel. Sho tags in EVIL. EVIL stands on the back of Goto’s neck. EVIL rakes the eyes of Hashi. EVIL dumps Hashi out of the ring. Togo whips Hashi into the steel barricade. EVIL with a gut punch. EVIL tags in Takahashi. Takahashi hammers down on the right shoulder of Goto. Takahashi wraps the right shoulder of Goto around the middle rope. Following a snap mare takeover, Takahashi with a Sliding Dropkick for a two count. Takahashi is putting the boots to Goto. Goto with two toe kicks. Takahashi answers with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Takahashi tags in Sho.

Sho hammers down on the right shoulder of Goto. Sho taunts Ishii. Sho stands on the right shoulder of Goto. The referee is trying to calm down Ishii. Sho talks smack to Goto. Goto decks Sho with a back elbow smash. Goto with three overhand chops. Goto kicks Sho in the gut. Sho continues to attack the right shoulder of Goto. Sho applies a wrist lock. Sho with Combination Kicks. Sho rakes the eyes of Goto. Goto drops Sho with The Misdirection Lariat. Goto tags in Ishii. Forearm Exchange. Takahashi reverses out of the irish whip from Ishii. EVIL kicks Ishii in the back. Ishii kicks Takahashi in the face. Ishii with a back elbow smash to EVIL. Ishii shoves Takahashi into EVIL. Takahashi inadvertently kicks EVIL off the apron. Ishii with a running shoulder block. Ishii unloads a series of throat chops. Ishii slaps Sho in the face. Ishii goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Sho lands back on his feet. Sho applies a waist lock. Sho with three sharp elbow strikes. Sho delivers The Kitchen Sink. Sho kicks Ishii in the back. Sho repeatedly stomps on Ishii’s chest. Sho is choking Ishii with his boot. Sho with The Mid-Kick. Ishii is pissed. Second Forearm Exchange. Sho with a Jumping Knee Strike. Sho whips Ishii into the exposed steel. Sho ducks a clothesline from Ishii. EVIL trips Ishii from the outside. Sho with a Sliding Dropkick. Sho tags in EVIL.

Sho clears the ring. Double Irish Whip. Takahashi with The Helluva Kick. Bullet Club with Two Corner Clotheslines. EVIL hits The Fisherman’s Buster for a two count. EVIL argues with the referee. EVIL stands on Ishii’s face. Ishii denies Darkness Falls. Hashi rocks EVIL with a forearm smash. Ishii with The Back Drop Driver. Ishii tags in Hashi. EVIL blocks a lariat from Hashi. Hashi with a knife edge chop. Hashi delivers his combination offense. Hashi with Two SuperKicks. Hashi ducks a clothesline from Takahashi. Hashi with The Backstabber. EVIL kicks Hashi in the gut. Hashi ducks a clothesline from EVIL. Hashi with The Running Lariat. EVIL denies Karma. EVIL tugs on the referee’s t-shirt. Togo wraps the choker around Hashi’s neck. Goto pulls Togo off the apron. EVIL thrust kicks the midsection of Goto. Goto goes for The Ushigoroshi, but EVIL lands back on his feet. Hashi SuperKicks EVIL. Goto with a NeckBreaker onto the knee. Hashi with The Running Meteora. Chaos connects with The GYW. The referee was distracted by Togo. Takahashi shoves Hashi into the referee. Takahashi nails Goto and Hashi with the pimp stick. Ishii with The Back Drop Driver. Sho drives a chair into Ishii’s face. Sho breaks the chair over Hashi’s head. EVIL plants Hashi with Everything Is EVIL to pickup the victory. After the match, Sho drops Ishii with The Cross Armed PileDriver. The House Of Torture is gunning for the NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championships.

Winner: EVIL, SHO, and Yujiro Takahashi via Pinfall 

Third Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, and Tiger Mask vs. KENTA, The Guerrillas Of Destiny, and Chase Owens w/Jado In A 8-Man Tag Team Match

Togi Makabe and Tanga Loa will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Loa drives his knee into the midsection of Makabe. Loa punches Makabe in the back. Loa applies a side headlock. Makabe whips Loa across the ring. Loa runs into Makabe. Shoulder Block Exchange. Makabe ducks a clothesline from Loa. Makabe drops Loa with a shoulder tackle. Makabe tags in Honma. Honma with clubbing axe handle strikes. Honma stomps on Loa’s back. Honma with a forearm smash. Loa drives Honma back first into the blue turnbuckle pad. Tonga tags himself in. Loa bodyslams Honma. Tonga with three elbow drops. Tonga taunts Makabe. Tonga with a straight right hand. Honma with a Counter Vertical Suplex. Honma tags in Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask with The Flying Crossbody Block. Loa with clubbing blows to Tiger Mask’s back. Tiger Mask kicks Kentain the face. Tiger Mask with a Mule Kick to Loa. Tiger Mask drives his knee into the midsection of Kenta. Tiger Mask dumps Kenta out of the ring. Tiger Mask blocks a boot from Owens. Tiger Mask sweeps out the legs of Owens. Tiger Mask unloads Four Mid-Kicks. Tiger Mask with a forearm smash. Tonga with a double leapfrog. Tonga blasts Tiger Mask with a double handed chop. Tonga clears the ring. Tonga punches Tiger Mask. Tonga with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a two count. Tonga tags in Loa. Tonga bodyslams Tiger Mask. Loa with The Slingshot Senton. Loa tags in Owens.

Owens kicks Tiger Mask in the gut. Loa punches Tiger Mask in the back. Owens with a Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count. Owens hooks the outside leg for a two count. Owens tags in Kenta. Kenta repeatedly stomps on Tiger Mask’s chest. Kenta whips Tiger Mask into the blue turnbuckle pad. Kenta with clubbing shoulder blocks. Kenta tags in Tonga. Tonga with heavy bodyshots. Tonga HeadButts Tiger Mask. Tonga uses the bottom rope as a weapon. Tonga tags in Kenta. Kenta whips Tiger Mask across the ring. Kenta scores the elbow knockdown. Kenta knocks Tanahashi off the ring apron. Kenta toys around with Tiger Mask. Haymaker Exchange. Tiger Mask with a Spinning Back Kick. Tiger Mask ducks a clothesline from Kenta. Double Roundhouse Kick. Tiger Mask hits The Tiger Driver. Tiger Mask tags in Tanahashi. Tanahashi with a flying forearm smash. Tanahashi with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip on the middle rope. Kenta whips Tanahashi across the ring. Tanahashi blocks a boot from Kenta. Tanahashi with another Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Tanahashi bodyslams Kenta. Tanahashi with The SomerSault Senton for a two count. Kenta avoids The SlingBlade. Kenta rolls Tanahashi over for a two count. Kenta side steps Tanahashi into the turnbuckle pad. Kenta with another quick rollup for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Kenta rakes the eyes of Tanahashi. Kenta applies a side headlock. Owens made the blind tag.

Tanahashi whips Kenta across the ring. Kenta holds onto the ropes. Owens with a forearm shot across the back of Tanahashi. Running Boot/Leg Sweep Combination. Owens mocks Tanahashi. Owens slams Tanahashi’s head on the turnbuckle pad. Owens with a running forearm smash. Owens with a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Tanahashi fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Tanahashi applies The Full Nelson Lock. Owens grabs a side wrist lock. Owens goes for The Jewel Heist, but Tanahashi counters with The Twist and Shout. Tanahashi tags in Honma. Honma unloads three knife edge chops. Honma sends Owens to the corner. Honma with a running elbow smash. Honma with The Running Bulldog. Honma follows that with The Kokeshi HeadButt. GOD gangs up on Honma. Loa with a Belly to Back Suplex. GOD shrugs off the double clothesline from Makabe. Double Toe Kick. Double Irish Whip. Makabe with The Double Clothesline. Makabe clotheslines Loa over the top rope. GBH connects with The Rocket Kokeshi for a two count. Tiger Mask dumps Kenta out of the ring. Owens denies The PileDriver. Second Forearm Exchange. Owens decks Honma with a back elbow smash. Owens nails Honma with The V-Trigger. Owens plants Honma with The Package PileDriver to pickup the victory. After the match, KENTA clocks Tanahashi with the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship.

Winner: KENTA, The Guerrillas Of Destiny and Chase Owens via Pinfall 

– There was a cleaning/disinfecting intermission during this broadcast.

Fourth Match: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Zack Sabre Jr. In A Special Exhibition Mastch 

This is a special exhibition match under UWF Rules, specifically a grappling contest. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Shibata applies a waist lock. Chain grappling exchange. That lead us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Sabre fights out of the guard. Sabre applies a front face lock. Shibata with a single leg takedown. Sabre wraps his legs around Shibata’s waist. Shibata gets Sabre back in the guard. Sabre escape. Test Of Strength. Shibata grabs the left leg of Sabre. Shibata with another single leg takedown. Shibata applies The Figure Four Leg Lock.

Sabre bends the left ankle of Shibata. Shibata applies a side headlock. Shibata with a side headlock takeover. Sabre answers with the headscissors neck lock. Shibata applies a toe and ankle hold. Sabre rolls back to a vertical base. Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Strangle Hold Exchange. Sabre brings Shibata down to the mat. Sabre applies a side headlock. Shibata transitions into The Sleeper Hold. Cobra Twist Exchange. Shibata applies The Octopus Stretch as time expires. After the match, Shibata says that the next time he’s in the ring, it will be a real match.

Match Result: Time-Limit Draw

Fifth Match: Shingo Takagi, Sanada, Hiromu Takahashi, and Bushi vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Ryusuke Taguchi, and Master Wato In A 8-Man Tag Team Match

Hiromu Takahashi and Ryusuke Taguchi will start things off. Taguchi makes Takahashi run the ropes. Taguchi talks smack to Takahashi. Takahashi slaps himself in the face. Taguchi drops Takahashi with The Mongolian Chop. Taguchi attacks the midsection of Takahashi. Tenzan is livid with Takahashi and Taguchi’s shenanigans. Taguchi tags in Tenzan. Tenzan unloads Two Mongolian Chops. Tenzan clears the ring. Tenzan and Kojima with a chop/forearm combination. Running HeadButt/Slingshot Elbow Drop Combination for a two count. Tenzan slams Takahashi’s head on the red turnbuckle pad. Tenzan tags in Wato. Wato with The Mongolian Chop. Wato whips Takahashi across the ring. Wato leapfrogs over Takahashi. Wato drives his elbow into the midsection of Takahashi. Wato with a back fist. Wato with a Spinning Back Kick. Wato unloads Three Mid-Kicks. Takahashi kicks Wato in the gut. Bushi dropkicks the left knee of Wato. Takahashi with a basement dropkick. LIJ clears the ring. Takahashi applies a front face lock. Takagi tags himself in. Takagi with a double sledge. Takagi with a shoulder block. Takagi blasts Wato with a knife edge chop. Takagi drives his knee into the midsection of Wato. Takagi drops Wato with a shoulder tackle. Takagi with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Takagi applies an arm-bar. Bushi tags himself in.

Bushi hammers down on the left shoulder of Wato. Bushi wraps his t-shirt around Wato’s neck. The referee admonishes Bushi. Bushi stomps on Wato’s back. Bushi tags in Sanada. Sanada wraps another shirt around Wato’s neck. Wato grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Sanada goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Wato lands back on his feet. Wato with a Spinning Back Kick. Wato kicks Sanada in the chest. Wato drops Sanada with The Windmill Kick. Wato tags in Kojima. Kojima kicks Sanada in the gut. Machine Gun Chops. Kojima with the irish whip. Kojima with a flying forearm smash. Kojima plays to the crowd. Kojima gets distracted by Takagi. Sanada throws Kojima off the top turnbuckle. Sanada whips Kojima across the ring. Sanada scores the elbow knockdown. Sanada goes for The Standing MoonSault, but Kojima ducks out of the way. Kojima kicks Sanada in the gut. Kojima drops Sanada with The DDT. Forearm Exchange. Sanada ducks a clothesline from Kojima. Sanada dropkicks the left nee of Kojima. Sanada tags in Bushi. Bushi delivers The Missile Dropkick. Bushi repeatedly stomps on Kojima’s chest. Kojima denies The Swinging Fisherman’s NeckBreaker. Kojima kicks Bushi in the gut. Kojima hits The Koji Cutter. Kojima tags in Tenzan.

Tenzan with a running shoulder tackle. Tenzan clears the ring. Double Irish Whip. Wato with a running elbow smash. Taguchi with a Running Hip Attack. Tenzan follows that with The Mountain Bomb for a two count. Tenzan applies The Anaconda Vice. Takahashi breaks up the submission hold. Wato dumps Takahashi out of the ring. Tenzan HeadButts Bushi. Bushi dropkicks Tenzan. Bushi tags in Takagi. Double Irish Whip. Tenzan takes a ride on The LIJ Train. Takagi with The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Takagi plays to the crowd. Tenzan denies Last Of The Dragon. Takagi decks Tenzan with a back elbow smash. Wato with a SpringBoard European Uppercut. Takahashi ducks a clothesline from Wato. Takahashi dropkicks the left knee of Wato. Kojima rocks Takahashi with a forearm smash. Sanada dropkicks Kojima. Taguchi ducks a clothesline from Sanada. Sanada avoids The Hip Attack. Bushi knocks Wato off the apron. Bushi lands The Suicide Dive. Mongolian Chop Exchange. Tenzan headbutts the midsection of Takagi. Takagi with a back elbow smash. Takagi scores the right jab. Takagi goes for The Ryukon Lariat, but Tenzan counters with another headbutt. Takagi has Tenzan perched on the top turnbuckle. Takagi with an Avalanche BrainBuster. Takagi with The Sliding Lariat for a two count. Takagi connects with The Pumping Bomber to pickup the victory.

Winner: Shingo Takagi, Sanada, Hiromu Takahashi and Bushi via Pinfall 

Sixth Match: Kazuchika Okada vs. Kota Ibushi In The Finals Of The G1 Climax 31 Tournament

Feeling out process after the bell rings. Okada applies a front face lock. Standing Switch Exchange. Wrist Lock Exchange. Okada with a single leg takedown. Okada applies a leg lock. Ibushi transitions into a side headlock. Ibushi with a side headlock takeover. Okada answers with the headscissors escape. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Okada applies a side headlock. Ibushi reverses the hold. Okada applies the headscissors neck lock. Ibushi floats over into a side headlock. Okada backs Ibushi into the ropes. Red Shoes calls for a clean break. Okada whips Ibushi across the ring. Okada drops don on the canvas. Okada leapfrogs over Ibushi. Ibushi lunges over Okada. Ibushi ducks under two clotheslines from Okada. Okada goes for The Dropkick, but Ibushi holds onto the ropes. Okada dodges The V-Trigger. Ibushi avoids The Rain Maker. Ibushi kicks the left knee of Okada. Ibushi with The Mid-Kick. Ibushi applies a rear chin lock. Okada puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Ibushi stomps on Okada’s back. Ibushi hammers down on the back of Okada’s neck. Okada reverses out of the irish whip from Ibushi. Okada with The Flapjack. Okada with The Hangman’s NeckBreaker for a two count.

Okada stomps on Ibushi’s chest. Following a snap mare takeover, Okada with a Sliding Dropkick. Forearm Exchange. Okada drives his knee into the midsection of Ibushi. Okada dumps Ibushi back first on the canvas. Okada with The Slingshot Senton for a one count. Okada applies a rear chin lock. Ibushi with elbows into the midsection of Okada. Okada punches Ibushi in the back. Okada with a forearm shot across the back of Ibushi. Okada with two back elbow smashes. Okada sends Ibushi to the corner. Ibushi side step Okada into the turnbuckle pad. Okada kicks Ibushi in the face. Ibushi dropkicks Okada. Ibushi with forearm shivers. Okada reverses out of the irish whip from Ibushi. Ibushi with The Flying Mid-Kick. Ibushi delivers his combination offense. Ibushi with The Mid-Kick. Ibushi with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Okada regroups on the outside. Okada whips Ibushi into the steel barricade. Ibushi reveres out of the irish whip from Okada. Ibushi ducks a clothesline from Okada. Ibushi with The Half & Half Suplex on the floor. Ibushi rolls Okada back into the ring. Ibushi with The SpringBoard Missile Dropkick. Okada side steps Ibushi into the red turnbuckle pad. Okada puts Ibushi on the top turnbuckle. Okada dropkicks Ibushi to the floor. Okada uppercuts Ibushi. Okada hits The Spike DDT on the ramp way. Okada rolls Ibushi back into the ring.

Okada with The Shotgun Dropkick. Okada applies The Money Clip. Ibushi backs Okada into the turnbuckle pad. Ibushi decks Okada with a back elbow smash. Okada dropkicks Ibushi. Okada goes back to The Money Clip. Okada with The Spinning Tombstone PileDriver. Okada reapplies The Money Clip. Okada with a Snap BackBreaker. Okada with The Grounding Money Clip. Ibushi puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Okada bodyslams Ibushi. Okada lands The Flying Elbow Drop. Rain Maker Pose. Ibushi dodges The Rain Maker. Okada avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Ibushi with The Western Lariat. Second Forearm Exchange. Ibushi with The FrankenSteiner that sends Okada to the floor. Ibushi with The Quebrada. Ibushi rolls Okada back into the ring. Ibushi with The Last Ride for a two count. Okada denies The Kamigoye. Ibushi with clubbing blows to Okada’s back. Okada avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Okada goes for the backslide, but Ibushi lands back on his feet. Ibushi dodges The Rain Maker. Ibushi with a Ripcord Roundhouse Kick. Ibushi nails Okada with The V-Trigger. Ibushi connects with The Kamigoye for a two count. Ibushi goes for anther Kamigoye, but Okada counters with The Back Drop Clutch for a two count. Okada dodges The V-Trigger. Okada goes for The Spinning Rain Maker, but Ibushi counters with The Lariat. Ibushi goes for The Phoenix Splash, but Okada ducks out of the way. Ibushi starts favoring his right shoulder which forces Red Shoes to call off the match.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada via Referee Stoppage 


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