
MVP Talks Becoming A Backstage Producer On After The Bell Podcast


MVP’s in-ring return may have been short lived, but the former WWE United States champion is looking to transition into a behind the scenes role.

On the latest episode of the After The Bell podcast with host Corey Graves, MVP discussed what his future prospects were now that he’s close to 50. He states that although he believes he can still go in the ring, he’d love to offer his knowledge and talent in the business as a producer.

I’m at that point in my career, 46 [years-old], and I’ve always said that my intentions were to retire around 45. I can still go. I’m still in great shape. I still wrestle just about every weekend. But I know the clock is ticking,” he explained. “So retirement is looming and after such an exhilarating and amazing weekend in WWE, I still feel that I have a lot to offer. However, I’m at a point in my career where I think I’m ready to start offering my talents behind the scenes or in another capacity. So, in the very near future, I see myself hanging up the boots and moving from in-ring competitor to behind the scenes producer if you will.

Following his surprise return in Sunday’s Royal Rumble matchup, MVP wrestled Rey Mysterio on this past Monday’s episode of Raw. He later wrote on Instagram that it would be his final WWE matchup.

Listen to the full After The Bell below.(H/T and transcribed by Pro Wrestling Sheet)

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