
Mustafa Ali Says He’s In His Prime and Being “Forced To The Sidelines” In WWE


WWE star Mustafa Ali responded to a fan on Twitter earlier today who joked that Ali has the “easiest job” in the company since he hasn’t been used on television since last year. Ali writes back, “Yeah man. It’s real nice to be in your prime and wanting to use the exposure you get to bring light to serious topics, but instead forced to the sidelines for reasons beyond your control. Real nice to not be allowed to do what you’re passionate about.”

Ali has been very vocal online about the recent protests happening around the world in the name of George Floyd, including calling out the Forgotten Sons leader Jaxson Ryker for tweeting support to President Donald Trump. The 34-year old was a former Chicago Police officer, who has stated countless times in the past how necessary change within law enforcement is.

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