
Mox just got his butt kicked by a bunch of CMLL luchadors



The Jan. 31 Dynamite opened with the first-ever singles match between Jon Moxley & Jeff Hardy. We were told that led to the decision to have referee Paul Turner take a “lax” approach to the rules, and Mox took full advantage, borrowing a pen from Excalibur and using it to twist on of Hardy’s gauged earlobes.

It also allowed for lots of outside the ring action, which led to Moxley landing in the laps of the four CMLL luchadors sitting ringside.

Volador Jr., Mistico, Hechicero & Mascara Dorada were on their best behavior for the rest of the match, but after Mox choked out Hardy for the win (and Jeff flipped off his opponent after the bell in the latest development for the Hardys’ characters) Team CMLL jumped in the ring and put the boots to Moxley.

The other members of Blackpool Combat Club aren’t on hand in New Orleans tonight, but an assortment of AEW talents did run in to chase off the invading luchadors.

Was this just build for the announced Bryan Danielson/Hechicero bout coming our way on Collision this Saturday?

Or could a bigger interpromotional angle be afoot?

We shall see. Until we do, you can get complete results and coverage of everything on tonight’s episode of Dynamite here.

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