
Matt Cardona On Whether He Would Return To WWE With Triple H In Charge: “Never Say Never”


Wrestling Inside The Ropes recently conducted an interview with former NWA world champion Matt Cardona, who spoke on a number of different topics, including his thoughts on potentially returning to WWE now that Vince McMahon has retired and Triple H is in charge of their creative. Check out Cardona’s full thoughts on the subject below.

Says he would certainly take a call with Triple H:

“Triple H is calling everybody back supposedly, if he called me back, of course I’d have a conversation. But, I don’t know if I’d go back. I don’t know. I mean, of course ‘never say never.”

Says he is enjoying his current schedule and is making a lot of money:

“I mean, my schedule now is pretty great, I’m making a lot of money and I’m having a lot of fun so it’s hard to trade that in for just to be a name on a roster. I already did that.”

(H/T and transcribed by Inside The Ropes)

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