
Lacey Evans will try to do some good with her first-post WWE venture


Macey Estrella’s Instagram

Lacey Evans’ run with WWE ended earlier this week, with her contract reportedly expiring at midnight on Aug. 16.

She joked about starting free agency by following in Mandy Rose’s million dollar footsteps, but the rumor mill claimed Macey Estrella (Evans’ real name) was planning to open a diner.

Score one for the rumor mill, as Beaufort, South Carolina’s The Island News spoke to Estrella about the opening of Sunny Summers Café on the states’s coastal Sea Islands.

The Café is named after her two daughters, Sunny and Summer. That’s not the only family connection. In addition to coffee and food, Estrella wants her new business to support those in the community dealing with addiction and mental health issues. In part, that’s a way to honor her father, who died just before she tried out with WWE due to his struggles with alcohol, drugs & mental illness.

“I thought I could be of more assistance fighting a different fight than in the WWE ring,” said Estrella about the decision. “I want to focus on helping my community to fight against addiction and fight on the mental health side to normalize mental health issues.”

Sunny Summers Café will offer meeting space to community organizations and addiction treatment programs, with free coffee and donuts. Marine Corps veteran Estrella also wants to offer employment and empowerment workshops for women and military spouses.

The article notes that Estrella has been working toward the Mon., Aug. 21 opening of Sunny Summers Café for two years.

We wish her luck in all aspects of the new venture, and especially the ones focused on helping others.

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