
Kurt Angle Believes Wrestling Fans Will Have To Be Behind Plexiglass For A While, Reveals Greatest Rib, Who His Favorite WWE Superstar Was


WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle recently held a Q&A on his Facebook page. Here are some of the highlights.

Greatest rib that ever happened:

When I started in WWE, Vince wanted me to ear 25 medals around my neck to show my dominance in sports. I wore them every week on tv. Then one day Gerry Brisco came to me and said Vince watned me to wear all of the medals every day, everywhere I went. I even wore them all day at the tv tapings for 10 hours. Then one day Vince asked me why I was wearing my medals all of the time? I told him I thought he wanted me to. He said “Hell no. Wear them during RAW only.” Gerry Brisco ribbed me pretty good. Bastard!

Whether wrestling fans will have to be behind plexiglass due to COVID-19:

I think it’s going to be the new normal for a while. We don’t want do ot it, but we have to be safe.

A maneuver he’s always wanted to do:

A 450. I was able to do it in practice, but the only time I tried to use it in a match was against Sting. I didn’t quite complete the 450 and my feet landed directly on his stomach. Sorry Sting!

His favorite WWE superstar:

Either Austin or Rock. They were so entertaining and fun to work with.

Check out that and more in the thread below.

Hey guys. Time for a Q&A today. Ask your questions below and I'll answer a few of them for you in a bit:)

Geplaatst door Kurt Angle op Vrijdag 5 juni 2020

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