
John Morrison wins custody of Dalton Castle’s Boys in ROH


Taya Valkyrie’s X

The latest chapter in the feud between John Morrison and Dalton Castle was heartbreaking. Castle wanted so badly to smash the face of Johnny TV that he would wager anything. Johnny’s request was The Boys. Episode 53 of ROH on Honor Club featured Johnny versus Castle for custody of The Boys.

Castle was still exhausted from the stress of the situation until the Iron Savages stepped in to pass a sip on the savage sauce. The peacock was immediately energized and back to his old self full of panache. He was vocal about wanting nothing more than to smash Johnny’s face.

Castle wrestled a smart game plan to stifle Johnny’s agile adeptness at dodging attacks. The peacock wore Johnny down throughout the match with numerous suplexes.

One problem Castle didn’t have an answer for was the presence of Taya Valkyrie ringside to support her husband. Johnny often cooled out on the floor when the heat rose too hot, and he used Taya as a human shield for protection to slow down Castle. When Taya bent over, Johnny surprised his opponent with a parkour kick.

Taya also played a role in a pivotal moment of the match. Castle lifted Johnny into a crucifix position, shouted about smashing face, then spiked Johnny on his moneymaker. It seemed certain that victory was heading Castle’s way, however, Taya tossed a Boy into the ring to distract referee Aubrey Edwards. That interference delayed the start of the three-count, and Johnny kicked out at two.

Taya trifled in the finish as well. Castle and Johnny battled for position on the turnbuckles. Castle punched Johnny crashing down onto the Boys. As referee Edwards glanced at the commotion, Taya shoved Castle off the corner to catch his throat on the ropes. That led to Johnny executing Starship Pain to win.

Johnny officially acquired ownership of The Boys. The TV couple dragged them backstage screaming and kicking.

Taya Valkyrie’s Instagram

Ref Edwards presented one of The Boys’ folding hand fans to Castle as a memento. His soul was crushed. Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman on commentary sold the tragedy with solemn voices and silence.


How many tears did you shed at the heartbreaking moment of Dalton Castle losing The Boys?

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