
John Morrison Says WrestleMania Still Feels Like A Big Deal, How He’s Remained Sane During Social Distancing, Binging TV During Quarantine and more


WWE star and current SmackDown tag champion John Morrison recently spoke Muscle and Fitness to hype this year’s WrestleMania 36 and share what he’s been doing during this time of quarantine from COVID-19. He also shares some “staying in shape” tips and reveals what he’s been binge watching on television. Highlights are below.

WrestleMania still feeling like a big deal even though there’s no fans:

I mean, yeah, the atmosphere is a little bit different than an arena full of 100,000 people, but it’s still WrestleMania,” he said. “It still has this vibe, it still feels like the most important show of the year. It still had that buzz backstage.

Binging television while in quarantine from COVID-19:

I feel like I’ve watched every single action comedy movie out there, so now I feel like I’ve been just looking for good stories that I take longer [to watch]… We’re watching Dave, the Lil Dickie show on FX. It’s new. It’s a good one… Tiger King, I’m on episode five. Yeah, fascinating. In another life, that guy [Joe Exotic] could’ve been a wrestler.

What music he’s been jamming to during quarantine:

There’s a song called The Heavy by Short Change Hero that I’ve been listening to a lot. It’s got a long intro, but it’s got kind of like this, like, space cowboy like rustic type feel that I think gets me going.

Staying sane during this time of social distancing:

While everyone else is going to buy toilet paper, I went to Big Five to try to buy dumbbells, and the dumbbells were sold out. I was like, ‘how did the general population beat me to the dumbbells?’ It’s been fine. But in situations like this, personally I feel like keeping a schedule and staying physically active helps me keep my sanity.

Tips for staying in shape:

If you have any cardio equipment, get up on the cardio equipment. If you don’t, you could jump rope. You could do DDP yoga. There’s a million different kinds of home workout type things you can do. My daily routine is some sort of resistance training… I mean obviously no one’s got like a full array of Hammer Strength equipment in their house. But there’s a lot of stuff you can do with pushups and using your body and leverage to change the resistance on your muscle groups. Different kinds of pushups and sit ups. If you have anything to hang off, body weight, mid rows, pull-ups. Squat variations, lunges… Broken up in the small chunks throughout the day is what I’ve been recommending to people.

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