
Jimmy Korderas On If NXT Should Make Changes To Challenge AEW


Jimmy Korderas, a former referee for the WWE, was recently interviewed by WINCLY. During the interview, he revealed that he doesn’t believe that NXT should make wholesale changes to combat AEW. Here are the highlights:

On If The Wednesday Night Wars Have Lived Up To Expectations:

No because I think people are more into choosing sides as opposed to trying to enjoy both products. To me, this is a great time to be a wrestling fan because you have options … I try to enjoy it as a fan. Everybody has their own presentations and their own likes, but why does it have to be a war? Why can’t everybody just enjoy? I’m perfectly fine with watching one on Wednesday and one on the next day.

On If Wrestling Is Oversaturated:

That’s the difficult part because if you look at it, if you include NWA and MLW, there’s a lot out there. That’s a smart move to them [Impact moving to ASX TV] but a little bit late because I thought – obviously for reasons that TNT couldn’t put AEW on Tuesdays because that would have been the perfect time for them with people pre-programmed to Smackdown being on Tuesdays – but it’s a good swap for [Impact]. With Impact coming in you’ve got Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, trying to catch up on Thursday before you get to Friday. Divorce lawyers are making a killing.

On Why NXT Shouldn’t Change:

I don’t think they should change anything because what I love about NXT is that it’s completely different than what everyone else is doing. When people talk about a sports-type presentation to pro wrestling, to me, other than the NWA show, it’s NXT that has that feel more than any of the brands out there. I love their presentation and that they focus on in-ring more than anything. They have their video packages and their stories and promos but the bulk is focused on the in-ring product and it’s very good.

On AEW’s Bigger Venues Making Them Look Like A Bigger Deal:

We live in a world where perception is reality so if it’s perceived as a bigger deal, then people will think that. I try to look past that but I understand that thinking. When you look at both shows, visually it looks great with AEW.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: WINCLY.

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