
Jim Cornette On Why It Was A Mistake For C.M. Punk To Join WWE Backstage


During a recent episode of “Cornette’s Drive Thru”, Jim Cornette blasted C.M. Punk for devaluing himself by joining the cast of WWE Backstage. Here’s what he had to say:

But to come back to television, the level of star he was and the people who chanted for awhile, ‘We want Punk,’ ‘CM Punk,’ or whatever, and still that, if you did something on a national show with a big splash, he would mean something and he could talk his ass off, I don’t know what his work is like these days, he’s been out of the ring for five years or whatever, but he’s a personality. But to come back on a show about a show, WWE Backstage, that’s like, you’re not a star on Walking Dead, you’re a guest on Talking Dead, fuck that. For him to have come back just to do a TV show about a TV show, and then not even be the host or be a regular or be the star of it, just hop in every now and then, it’s like he suddenly became, if it was a movie, he wouldn’t be the star, he would be the best friend, he’s a supporting actor own.

That was a major mistake, to come back to anything wrestling related, I’m not saying he couldn’t do a bit part in a movie or TV show or whatever, but in the wrestling genre, if he wasn’t going to come back and make a splash at a major fucking PPV or a big national television show, on the show, in an angle, whether it be AEW or WWE or whatever, just to pop up and say hello on WWE Backstage, that was not the greatest thing to do.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Cornette’s Drive Thru. H/T 411Mania.

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