
Is Pokemon Unite Pay To Win? – F2P vs P2W


Want to know if Pokemon Unite is a Pay To Win game? – Let’s review each fact0r leading us into thinking this is a Pay To Win title. We will also compare the paid and free features to determine if the benefits are significant enough to give you a competitive edge.

Pokemon Unite Esports

@The Pokémon Company

Enhancing items in Pokemon Unite

Within the game, there are some items called Item Enhancers. These are characterized by the fact that they allow your character to improve their stats when you use them. In principle, this has nothing to do with P2W functions, until we review the ways to obtain them.

If you are a Free To Play user, you will be able to obtain these items by using Aeos Tickets. However, getting those tickets is somewhat limited, so you won’t always be able to get your hands on them. This can change if you decide to buy them with Aeos Gems, the in-game currency that you must purchase using real money.

Therefore, upgrading the game can be much easier if you invest some money in these kinds of upgrade items.

Maximizing items

Aeos Tickets & Gems - Pokemon Unite

@The Pokémon Company

Items in the game have levels, so leveling them up causes their stats to increase as well. Now, to achieve this you need to consume Item Enhancers.

Because it is much simpler to buy them than to get them, upgrading other items becomes easier if you spend money. Thus, P2W players are much more likely to get a valuable build with superior stats and climb the ranks faster than their F2P rivals.

Super Item Enhancers

Super Item Enhancer - Pay to Win

@The Pokémon Company

There is now a new Item Enhancers variable called Super Item Enhancers. This differs from the original in that it allows you to automatically raise any item to level 30 instantly. Thus, it is an extremely powerful tool that can lead to having better stats and items, and level up quickly.

However, getting this kind of item is extremely difficult. Therefore, paid users benefit from it, as they can obtain it for just a few transactions.

On the other hand, the free user can only access this item once or twice in all the time he or she spends in the game.

Aeos Gems

The in-game currency is the Aeos Gem. This can only be easily acquired through the purchase of Pokemon Unite packs. Therefore, the difference between paid and free users is at its maximum here.

This currency can be used to purchase upgrades, Pokemon licenses, designs or even the Battle Pass. Thus, the possibilities of the paid user are far superior to those who don’t want to buy items from the shop.

Battle Pass

Pokemon Unite P2W vs F2P - Battle Pass

@The Pokémon Company – Battle Pass

This function of the game is available to any user who is playing the game. However, they have a lot of tools and rewards locked for the F2P users. Only players who wish to purchase this package in its premium version will be able to access it in full.

With this Battle Pass, you can receive skins, tickets or even gems, however, it does not directly impact the gameplay. It does have a noticeable influence on the items it allows you to receive if you purchase it. These will allow you to level up much more easily than if you didn’t have it.

Pokemon Unite is definitely Pay To Win game. There are too many features to access and receive benefits for simply making a payment. Thus, any free user will find themselves at the bottom and will not be able to properly challenge the game.

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