
George Kittle’s WrestleMania fantasy booking gets Triple H’s support


WrestleMania 39
Photo by Unique Nicole/Getty Images

The San Francisco 49ers star & giant wrestling fan spoke on The Rock/Cody Rhodes controversy while getting ready for the Super Bowl, and WWE’s creative chief loved it. What does that tell us?

George Kittle’s love of pro wrestling is evident every time he celebrates a big play with Penta El Zero M’s “Cero Miedo” taunt, but it goes deeper than that. The San Francisco 49ers All-Pro tight end was just dropping The Miz at WrestleMania last spring, after all.

And since Kittle is “one of us”, you know that means he has some thoughts on the controversy surrounding The Rock seemingly taking Cody Rhodes spot as Roman Reigns’ challenger at this year’s WrestleMania. He’s getting ready for the Super Bowl this weekend in Las Vegas, where he and the Niners will try to dethrone Patrick Mahomes & the Kansas City Chiefs as the head of the NFL’s table. That means he was doing media yesterday, and someone asked him about it with the first question.

Here’s what he said:

“We’re starting off hot and I love it. That’s the question I’ve been wanting to … So, it’s funny. You see everything online and everyone’s talking about ‘We want Cody’, or it’s Roman and The Rock. You know what — I’m a huge Cody Rhodes fan. I like Roman Reigns. The Rock — hey, he coined the term ‘The People’s Tight End’ so I’m indebted to The Rock. Huge fan of him.

“Honestly, my dream would be like kind of a setup, Roman shows up — I saw this online —Roman shows up signs the contract. Cody’s on the other side, The Rock referees. Wouldn’t that be fun and special? Let’s just, let’s make it fun and interesting. That was not my own idea but I thought it was really cool.”

Seems like Kittle is referring to a scenario that’s been pitched on the internet by many people over the past few days: a swerve wherein Rhodes & Rock goad Reigns into thinking he’s signing a contract to face his cousin, then reveal he’ll be facing Cody with Rocky there to neutralize the usual Bloodline shenanigans.

It would settle the fan uprising that’s been going on since last Friday, and address complaints about the formulaic interference that factors into Roman’s title defenses. It would also fit with people like Rock collaborator Brian Gewirtz and Rhodes telling us to essentially let the story play out before freaking out.

Recent reports don’t support the idea, but you know who might? Chief Creative Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque, whose own role in The Rock drama has been the subject of much speculation. The Game reposted the NFL’s video of Kittle’s “cool and fun” idea, adding:

The People’s Tight End knows what’s up… @gkittle46

Now, Haitch could just be excited that WWE’s big angle is being discussed at the Super Bowl. His bosses at TKO Group certainly are. Is there anything more to Trips’ “endorsement” than that?

Maybe we’ll find out when WWE hits Las Vegas during Super Bowl week on Thursday.

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