
GCW Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport 9 Results from Los Angeles, CA 3/30/2023


– Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport 9 opened up live on FITE TV from the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Los Angeles, CA, as a part of GCW’s The Collective. The show opens with Lenny Leonard and Dan Barry on commentary. The no-ropes and no-turnbuckles ring is full of tonight’s competitors. Every match must end via knockout or submission. Each competitor is introduced and Josh Barnett gives a brief speech, saying there is no equal to this event. Barnett then gave thanks and said let the battle commence.

– Jeff Cobb defeated Calder McColl via TKO. McCool took Cobb down to start. McColl controlled much early on until Cobb hit a big head & arm suplex. McColl mounted Cobb with strikes, then they rolled to the floor but came back in. They traded takedowns and strikes. The back & forth went on until McColl went for a flying triangle choke, but Cobb caught him in mid-air and powerbombed him. Cobb then went right in with a strike but McColl was knocked out.

– Erik Hammer defeated Calvin Tankman via submission. This was Hammer’s first match in 18 months. Hammer delivered various strikes but Tankman took them. Hammer followed up with a takedown and a double wristlock for the submission win.

– Marina Shafir defeated Killer Kelly via submission. They traded kicks to start. Shafir controlled on the mat early on but allowed Kelly to stand back up, then continued to take her down and bully her. Shafir dominated with more slaps and punches. Kelly fought back and dominated some of the match as well, nailing a big German suplex. They traded counters and Shafir caught her with a powerslam. Kelly fought back up but Shafir took her back down for an inverted triangle choke for the submission win.

– Kota Ibushi defeated Mike Bailey via TKO. There was no sign of Ibushi’s shoulder injury as he wrestled his first match in more than one year. They were both over big but Ibushi received a massive ovation. An emotional Ibushi greeted fans before the match. Bailey approached Ibushi’s corner and bowed to him, then Ibushi did the same during introductions. The crowd chanted “Ibushi!” to start while they traded punches and kicks. They worked on the mat some until Bailey accidentally sent Ibushi to the floor. This rallied the crowd for Ibushi, who brought it back in as the back & forth offense aggressively picked up. Bailey unloaded with kicks and hit the standing moonsault double knees to the face. They went on for a few minutes until Ibushi hit a Regalplex and the Kamigoye knee strike for the TKO win. There was a huge post-match ovation for Ibushi, who did a show of respect to Bailey to perhaps signal for a rematch.

– A tribute video aired on Erik Paulson’s career for the GCW/Bloodsport Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony. Chavo Guerrero came out to present the award. Fans chanted for Eddie Guerrero. There were issues with the mic as Chavo and Erik spoke. Chavo gave some background on Erik’s career, and Erik talked about the history of catch wrestling, and the significance. He also gave thanks for the award. Guerrero gave Paulson the plaque and a bouquet of flowers.

– Bad Dude Tito defeated Yuya Uemura by submission. There were also audio issues during their entrances. This had a lot of back & forth action. Uemura landed a dive onto Tito on the floor. They came back in but Tito blocked a suplex and went into the ankle lock for the submission win. After the match, Tito shook Uemura’s hand but then punched him. Uemura wanted to fight but the referee held him back.

– Harry Smith defeated JR Kratos via submission. There were some technical issues here but at one point they traded stiff strikes until Kratos went for a Boston Crab. Smith mounted him again and landed more ground & pound. Smith stood back up and landed a powerbomb, but Kratos came back with a high knee. Smith kept fighting but Kratos cut him off with an enziguri. They went back & forth with more stiff strikes in the middle of the ring. Kratos ended up going for a suplex but Smith countered with a Crossface for the submission.

– Johnny Bloodsport defeated Royce Isaacs by submission. There were also some early technical issues here but at one point Bloodsport applied a Muta Lock. Isaacs got free and applied a rear naked choke but Bloodsport fought free. They traded more holds until Bloodsport went for a takedown but was met with a piledriver. Isaacs applied the Dragon Sleeper but Bloodsport fought loose and ended up applying a Guillotine choke to make Isaacs tap out.

– Jon Moxley defeated Alex Coughlin by referee stoppage. Coughlin mounted offense early on but Moxley kept coming back. Moxley blocked a rear naked choke by shoving Coughlin to the floor at one point. Moxley tried for a choke of his own while Coughlin was still on the floor, but Coughlin fought back and landed a powerbomb on the edge of the apron. Coughlin kept control and went on to hit another powerbomb. Moxley fought back with headbutts, a choke hold, and Dirty Deeds. Coughlin came back and they traded more strikes. Moxley nailed a high knee and more punches to keep Coughlin down, then he applied the Bulldog choke. Coughlin fought out but Moxley ended up applying the D’Arce choke. Coughlin went out in the hold and the referee stopped the match.

– Timothy Thatcher defeated Josh Barnett by submission. Both competitors received huge reactions for the main event. Thatcher mounted aggressive offense early on. Thatcher focused on the knees but Barnett went for a knee bar, then a suplex. Thatcher went to the Crab but Barnett applied another knee bar. Thatcher fought out with a kick to the head before more back & forth action on the mat. Thatcher with more strikes to the ribs, then they traded more holds on the mat. Barnett with another suplex before they rolled to the floor. They went on and Barnett nailed a powerbomb, but Thatcher immediately countered with his Fujiwar arm bar. Barnett got free but Thatcher went right into a knee bar. Barnett held on but ended up tapping out for the finish. Barnett and Thatcher shook hands and bowed to each other after the match as Thatcher became the first wrestler to defeat Barnett at his own event.

Stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for more.

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GCW Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport 9 Results from Los Angeles, CA 3/30/2023 Wrestling Headlines.

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