
France team: Deschamps sows clues for his future


With the final approaching this Sunday, Didier Deschamps can go out the front door. His contract with the FFF ends on December 31 and if the France team wins against Argentina, he will be the only coach to have achieved a double in the history of French football. But it is not yet said that Deschamps will leave his functions…

If this Sunday’s meeting draws attention, some are already beginning to wonder what theFrench team without Didier Deschamps. The future of the coach has indeed been debated for months and the end of his contract approaching, a departure is more and more mentioned.

“I am very well, very happy in this function”

Do not count on the main interested party to lift the veil on his future, even if this Saturday he dropped a very big clue. “ The France team is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. Already, as a player. And I have the privilege of knowing that as a coach. It is the passion, the very high level. I am very well, very happy in this function “said Deschamps at a press conference.

“The most important thing has never been me, but the France team”

The most important was never me, but the France team. She is above everything, I am at her service “continued the coach of theFrench team, who did not wish to divert attention from the World Cup final. On the side of the FFF the door seems wide open, since the president Noel Le Graet has several explained that by reaching the semi-finals, The fields would have the hand.

His relatives advised him to stop

The Team reveals to us this Saturday that in the entourage of The fields, he would have been strongly advised to leave the post of coach, which he took in 2012. But where to go? The daily speaks of a man far too attached to his position at the head of theFrench team to consider a return to the club, but the options are not lacking. In Italy, we often speak of a return to Juventus

France team: Deschamps sows clues for his future 24hfootnews.

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