
First Tekken World Tour 2024 Details Announced


In the world of fighting games, there are tons of different titles that get tournaments side by side at the major events. The biggest games though are different. These usually have wider circuits too, that let fans follow players’ performance over multiple tournaments. The Tekken World Tour 2024 will be our first overarching circuit for the 8th mainline Tekken game, and we’ve just gotten our first details for this tournament announced.

The Tekken World Tour 2024 has had its first event unveiled. The tournament series will be beginning really soon, with registration about to open. This circuit is the first since the Tekken 8 release. No doubt there’ll be more players hoping to compete in the first season for the new sequel, so what’s the first event where they’ll get that chance?

Tekken World Tour 2024 Announcement

Source: @BNEsports

Tekken World Tour 2024 Gets First Details

Bandai Namco has announced the opening of the Tekken World Tour 2024. Registration starts on March 19. The first events will be beginning in proper April 13th. It’s not just the opening event though, we’ve also got details on the different rules that will be in play including a new stage pick guideline.

The registration announced so far is for the regional events. There will be 15 different regions players are competing in. These are:

  • North America
  • Central America
  • South America
  • West Europe
  • East Europe
  • East Africa
  • South Africa
  • North and East Africa
  • Middle East
  • Pakistan
  • Central and South Asia
  • Asia and Southeast Asia
  • Oceania
  • Korea
  • Japan

Along with those regional events, we’ve got a few tournaments confirmed as Tekken World Tour offline events. These include the two EVO tournaments this year. However, quite a few others have been confirmed too. Combo Breaker, plus CEO, along with more will be Tekken World Tour events.

Tekken World Tour 2024 Masters Events

Source: @BNEsports

Tekken World Tour 2024 Challenger Events

Source: @BNEsports

Each of these events will contribute points to the ongoing leaderboard, players will have to compete in these events or the regional circuits to make it all-the-way to the finals. As a brand-new game, it’s still a wide-open field. Soon we’ll begin to see which players are on top of Tekken 8 though when this circuit starts.

Tekken World Tour 2024 Gets Announced at 2023’s Grand Finale

We’ve just seen Arslan Ash take victory at the TWT 2023 finals. However, the next tournament in the series was announced as it wrapped up. We’re close to the Tekken 8 launch, and its inaugural year for the Tekken World Tour will be kicking off pretty soon after. These are the first details we know about the Tekken World Tour 2024.

Tekken World Tour 2024

Source: Bandai Namco

Beginning on April 13th, we’ll see our first year for the TWT playing the 8th instalment of the series.

The latest version of the game will be the main focus of this new circuit. It’s replacing Tekken 7 for the tournament beginning in 2024. We’ll have had a few months to try the new game that came out before the circuit kicks off, but a new title in the series could change a lot for the meta in events like this.

The Tekken World Tour 2024 will have a few changes to its format too. The top players on the leaderboard will still be moved forward to the Global Finale. However, there are changes to how tournaments are counted for this leaderboard. While EVO Japan is getting promoted to the highest level of the circuit. Although, the regional Dojo events will also contribute to which players move forward to the World Championship.

The Tekken World Tour is having a few changes made for the new season. However, it’s a familiar format to what we’ve seen before. The biggest change will be switching over to Tekken 8. We’ll have to see how this affects things for the Tekken World Tour 2024 once the game releases.

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