
Eric Bischoff On Why He Thinks Wrestlemania 36 Is A Good Sign For The Future Of The Business


During a recent episode of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff spoke on why he feels Wrestlemania 36 may usher in a new era of how wrestling is presented. Here’s what he had to say:

These are two very unique ways of storytelling. Very, very unique. And if we’re going to see more of that, I really have a lot of hopes for the industry. Because I think wrestling needs something different. I’ve been saying that for now for five or ten years. It’s the same formula, it’s the same presentation. I don’t care who you are, what the name of your company is, you’re really not doing anything different from anybody else, for the most part.

I think the Firefly Funhouse and the Boneyard match probably are the catalysts for next evolution of storytelling in wrestling. We’re not gonna see it all the time, you can’t, I mean that was very expensive, time consuming stuff to produce, I can assure you of that, it took a ton of production to present that the way that it was, at such a high level. And as a result of the time and the expense, you’re not going to see it every week, I don’t want to see it every week, but if I can see it once a month, or once every couple of months, as a way to elevate story and characters, I think the business, as a result of this past WrestleMania and the challenges created, I think this WrestleMania may have probably as much or more of an impact on the business, at least I hope, on the business going forward, than perhaps any WrestleMania in a long, long time.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: 83 Weeks. H/T 411Mania.

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