
Eric Bischoff Compares MJF to Triple H


One of the hottest heels in the wrestling business right now is MJF and Eric Bischoff agrees.

Bischoff describes what he enjoys the most about MJF right now.

“This MJF dude, come on, I would’ve loved to work with that guy. He’s so good. What he delivers on camera is magical as a heel, very few people are capable of pulling it off. He loves heat.”

Bischoff explains that most heels don’t have what it takes to be a heel nowadays because they just want to be liked.

“We don’t really have any heels [in today’s wrestling]. People play the part of a heel, play the part of a baby face, but there’s nobody out there that people really genuinely hate and want to see get their ass kicked. If you don’t have a real viable meaningful heel then you’re never going to have a real viable meaningful baby face. You are going to have a neutral effect. One of the reasons I think is that people don’t want to be hated. It goes against every instinct you have as a human being since the time you drew your first breath, to find ways to make people hate you and react negatively to you. WWE is even worse, WWE their entire revenue model for talent is on merchandise and as a heel you don’t sell a lot of merchandise. Nobody fully invests in being a heel.”

He then compares MJF’s heel tactics to Triple H’s:

“Go back and watch Triple H’s matches and compare to when he was a baby face to a heel, there aren’t any differences, he was the same character as a heel and a baby face,” Bischoff said. “If you’re going to be a heel, be a f***ing heel. Invest in it, enjoy it, live it. Learn to suck the life out of every moment so that the baby face you’re in the ring with gets the benefit of it. That’s why I am putting MJF over because he embraces his character.

“There’s only one guy that I could pick out of a crowd that could be the next really, really meaningful heel and that’s MJF,” he said. “Everyone else has this thing where I can turn at any minute, you can’t tell if I’m a baby face or a heel. It’s so grey. Good guys, bad guys, baby faces, heels, it’s all just one big fog and not enough of anybody else standing out from the fog.”

(Credit: WrestlingInc.com)

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