
Drake Maverick On Being Judged For How He Looks, Wanting More Opportunity


During his recent appearance on “The Bump”, Drake Maverick discussed his feeling that fans judge him over his size and look, and how he believes he can do more than the opportunities he has been given. Here are the highlights:

On Being Judged For His Looks:

Everybody looks at the book and judges it by the cover with me and I just don’t feel that I have been able to express who I really am to the WWE Universe. I think they’ve seen the more humorous side of Drake Maverick. They’ve seen the more authority figure side of Drake Maverick as the general manager of 205 Live.

I am a hell of a professional wrestler and it has taken me a very long to get here in the WWE and it’s something that I don’t disrespect and it’s something that I want to capitalize on while I’m here.

On Wanting More Opportunity:

I’ve had to try and master everything that I can in order to be where I am the only thing I can’t do is be a “grown ass man” for all of you. So there’s a lot of struggles here, but there are a lot of things in those struggles that have made me the strong person that I am and I believe in myself and I believe in the WWE Universe, I believe in opportunity and I do believe that I’m going to showcase who I am to them eventually, it’s just that I just want the opportunity. That’s all it is.

On Who He Thinks Is Responsible For His Success Or Failure:

Everything’s on you. I never look at my size, I never look at my height, I never look at my height, I never look at my lack muscular physique as a reason for failing. The only reason that I’ll ever fail in my life is cause of me and I mean that because there’s only so many times you can like stop pointing the finger at everybody else. Not everybody, it’s you and if you’re not where you want to be, look in the mirror and focus on what you need to be in order to get where you want to be and I really, really believe that and I’ve done that my entire life. It’s what I believe got me here today and it’s what I believe that’s going to propel me further.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: The Bump. H/T Wrestlezone.

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