
Dolph Ziggler Attacks Inflatable Santa at WWE Live Event, Xavier Woods Names Best NES Video Games


– Injured WWE Superstar Xavier Woods recently spoke with Chuck Carroll of CBS New York and revealed his top three NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) games of all-time.

Woods picked River City Ransom as #1, Mega Man 5 as #2, and Super Dodgeball as #3.

“Yeah. I’m a big Tecmo Japan guy, so I like the style of the animation and the gameplay’s always very good. River City Ransom, it’s like a reverse clone of Double Dragon essentially. The good guys come and take your girlfriend, and you got to fight across town to go get them. It’s just an absurd game, but it’s a game that still holds up to this day. Then obviously Mega Man 5 is… it’s a Mega Man game, so it’s Mega Man 5. It’s got great music. Then it’s Super Dodgeball. It’s just a really fun game that I don’t think gets enough love,” Woods said.

– WWE tweeted this clip of Dolph Ziggler beating up an inflatable Santa Claus at Thursday’s WWE live event in Cincinnati, Ohio. That show saw Ziggler lose to Elias after a Drift Away.


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