
Daniel Bryan Reveals He Goes To A Shaman For His Depression, Says It’s Important For People To Find A Mode Of Healing


WWE superstar Daniel Bryan spoke about his battle with depression in a new video on the Bella Twins channel. The former world champion revealed that he visits with a shaman rather than a therapist, a move Bryan says helps because he has a natural guard up against doctors.

I think you should go see somebody that you connect with to talk to about depression and understands it. Why the shaman specifically works for me is because I have a natural guard up against therapists. I’ve never gone to a therapist where I’ve felt in tune with the therapist. When I went to the Shaman — it’s weird because we’ve got cameras around, but midway through, even before we went into the sweat lodge, I wasn’t even thinking about the cameras being there.

Bryan later states that it is important for fans to find a mode of healing that works best for them.

That struck me very differently than any therapist that I’ve ever gone to, but some people relate well to therapists, so it’s important to find a mode of healing that works for you. That doesn’t mean you’ll be magically healed or anything like that, I still struggle with depression. You may still struggle with depression, but you have to keep trying, not only for yourself but for the people you love.

Check out the full video below. (H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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