
Corey Graves Calls This Past Raw An “Insufferable Television Show” On After The Bell


On the latest episode of his After The Bell podcast, WWE commentator Corey Graves ripped into this past week’s episode of Monday Night Raw, where the former NXT tag champion referred to the three hours as an “insufferable television show” that really made him angry.

Last night, I wasted three hours of my life enduring what was an insufferable television show. RAW was not all bad, but it left me with a really bad taste in my mouth… RAW physically made me angry. I tweeted something to the effect.

Graves specifically points out the Rusev, Lana, and Bobby Lashley segment, stating that the angle garnered zero reaction from the live crowd and has been getting constantly worse.

What really set me off, was the Lana, Rusev and Bobby Lashley segment. This is not their fault. The shows, as a whole, have just been lacking. This segment has really set me off. Because I noticed they went to a wide shot; in the middle of a match in this heated rivalry, that has been brewing for months and months in a small eternity. And the entire crowd was silent. Nobody was moving, nobody was clapping. It was complete apathy, which in this business is the worst thing you can have. You can be cheered, you can be booed sure not everything works. But to have an entire arena full of people, not reacting to anything that was happening is a problem. That’s what piqued my attention. And then it got worse for weeks and weeks and weeks.

He later expresses how bad he feels for Liv Morgan after months of rebuilding her.

You have been promoting Liv Morgan, and this return. Liv Morgan, who I’ve said on this show, in my opinion, is a star waiting to be born. She has this unusual reveal in the Lana – Lashley wedding, which everyone had an opinion on right, wrong or indifferent. Tell me why anyone in the WWE Universe should care about Liv Morgan now?

Check out his full thoughts below. (H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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