
Chris Jericho Calls The AEW Championship His Favorite Title He’s Won, Talks Working With Colt Cabana For The First Time


AEW superstar Chris Jericho held another Saturday Night Special on his Facebook page to talk all things pro-wrestling. Most notable from this recent edition is Le Champion talking about working with indie legend Colt Cabana on last week’s Dynamite and his favorite championship he’s ever won in his career. Highlights are below.

On working with Colt Cabana for the first time:

Cool week this week, I wrestled Colt Cabana. Which is interesting because this is the first time we ever touched in the ring ever. He’s been wrestling over 20 years and I’m almost at 30 at this point. We have never met up before in the ring or elsewhere, so it was cool. It’s pretty rare when you haven’t worked with someone that has been around as much as we both have. We had a fun little match there.

Calls the AEW Championship his favorite that he’s ever won:

Probably the AEW Championship because it was the first time ever. First champion. I was kind of the flag bearer for it right off the bat and it was really cool. That one means the most to me, as of right now.

Check it out below. (H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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